Sunday, February 17, 2013

Wis Manufacturing & Commerce Building Attacked by Progressives

What the progressive socialists liberal Democrats don't seem to understand when they do this to high profile buildings just proves to the community that this is the true face of the new Democrat party. The destruction of property as a way to take away individual freedom, first amendment rights, show just who the are and what they intend to do in the future.

Progressive socialists are infested with disorder and hate for anyone that disagrees with them and their personal agenda for power and control. If you have ever attended a Tea Party rally, it's becomes very clear quickly they want to take away your first amendment rights of free speech and assembly.

Did you ever wonder why when the progressives have a rally, there never is any disruption from protesters. No blowing on horns or whistles, and no beating on drums or signing of protest song on a megaphone. Why is that?

WMC Offices Vandalized

The tolerant left on display again.

On Wednesday, the headquarters of the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) was vandalized with spray paint and broken glass on the same day they hosted a Business Day in Madison. Pictures from the WMC building reveal shattered glass in the front door and green and purple paint doused on the building.

The vandalism comes on the same day that the Wisconsin Wave protested WMC in "Day of Action." In a statement yesterday, Wisconsin Wave said, "It is time to clean the house of government and remove the corporate lobbyists from the temple of democracy. It is time to shut the chamber."
How democratic. Does anyone really believe that the vandalism was coincidental? Of course this isn't the first time WMC has been vandalized. In June 2011, WMC had chalk and paint thrown on the building and sidewalks with slogans like "tax the rich."

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