Friday, February 15, 2013

Justice Lost : Passion and Talent Lost & Forgotten

What a shame - Whitney's beautiful voice gone to waste by the greed and drugs that Bobby brought into her life, and the ignorance of who she was to all of us, and the patriot that gave of himself for others, gunned down by insanity - an example of caring and passion we hardly noticed, lost for ever.

One was idolized by millions for her voice, and the other hated for his honor and duty to God and country, forgotten by millions.

Is there no justice where we live? What have we given up to acquire such indifference to logic and common sense?

Is everything that happens now just more progressive socialist ideology? Or maybe it just ignorance and stupidity. Where's the balance of what's right and what's wrong?

Maybe that's the problem, no one knows the differecne. Worse, no one cares.

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