Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wind Farms Destroy Natural Landscapes : Climate Change Answer Going Wrong?

Here's just one solution to climate change that is  part of the insanity that we face a solution to save the planet. Yeah, well there really isn't any climate change that we can change but no matter, it feels like the right thing to do.

As the warranties are running out and local communities are faced with repairing these monsters, what will they do with no money to repair them. A transmission will cost $600,000.

Maintenance will run in the millions a year but so what , we're saving the planet but destroying the country side and our economy. Our government and the environmentalists know what best for us, so just shut up and pay the bill. "What difference does it make anyway" the taxpayers can always pick up the tab.

By the way, where the hell is the eco-fascists that are on the march recently to stop the XL Keystone pipeline? Why aren't they marching on these huge wind farms that have destroyed the natural landscape?

Where's the outrage! Why no hair on fire! Where's the media demanding we stop destroying our natural resources?  hmmmmm Maybe it because they are all in the same bed along with our progressive socialist liberal Democrat government?

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