Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sequester Cuts Makes Chicken Little Run for Cover

Political Cartoons by Gary VarvelLittle did we know just how bad the cuts would be according to the progressive socialists in our media and our controlling government.

 And if the fire storm over these little cuts, 3 cents out of a dollar, is this crazy, we will have no chance of really cutting the out of control maniacal spending that is  federal flood of make believe money from the treasury.

Of course, not having a budget for the last four years leaves the door wide open for our fearless leader to misuse his power to destroy our future and that of the next several generations.

Who actually would knowingly and willingly vote for such insanity?  The ignorant? The poorly informed? The lazy? Or the mass of humanity just believing it's easier to get along, you go along.

Good grief.

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