Saturday, October 20, 2012

Welfare Spending Increases Recipients : More Money More Need

There have been several post on this catastrophe of spending, but not until now have the pundits been stepping up their game on both sides of the issue as the end of the year will bring tax increases that will strangle the economy and increase the risks of attack on our country.

Nearly a trillion dollars has been spend on the poor and, wonders of wonders, the poor are still here and their numbers are growing. Worse, with the reelection of Mr Obama, the amount of money spent on poverty programs, like food stamps, the number of dependent people will reach more the 50% of the entire population with no end in sight of new programs to speed  the increases.

How will all these programs be funded, easy, by reducing spending on defense, over 700 billion taken from the defense budget starting next year. Is this a problem for the country one might ask, not really if your objective is only making sure your job as 'overseer' is assured.

Worse yet, once the hand outs are embedded, stopping them will be nearly impossible. WOW - the perfect storm for the progressive socialists, a constantly increasing voter base. Hello Greece!!!

National Center for Policy Analysis

In a new report issued by the Congressional Research Service and published by the Senate Budget Committee, federal spending on aid for low-income people increased by nearly a third between 2008 and 2011, making the combined spending total of 83 separate federal welfare programs the biggest ticket of the federal budget.

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