Saturday, October 20, 2012

Campaign Spending Huge : What About the Children?

What a hoot - remember that famous tid-bit from the 'first black president' Bill Clinton, when he scolded the opposition on many occasions for some spending he didn't like, it went something like this, 'just think what you could do to help needy children with all this money'.

I wonder why the progressives Democrats are so willing to spend all this money in light of Bill's much used intellectual analysis of money well spent?

Presidential Campaign. (National Center for Policy Analysis)

The Federal City is virtually empty these days with politicians opting instead to stay home and campaign for the November 6 election. Among those of us left in Washington, the topic of conversation has been the presidential campaign in general and the recent debates in particular. The second debate in the series (some argued it was President Obama's first debate) was held this week at Hofstra University. Pain was inflicted on both sides, but the debate doesn't seem to have moved the needle much in either direction.

Combined spending so far on television advertising for the campaigns has totaled more than $881 million. With Virginia being one of the so-called battleground states, and in the same media market as Washington, I think NCPA's Washington Office has seen every political commercial this season.

Analysts predict the total advertising spending will top $1 billion by election day.

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