Thursday, October 25, 2012

Economic Outlook Dim : Progressives Accept Dim

More proof of the progressive socialist agenda to slow growth of the country and punish the very core of American exceptionalism by coming down hard on the productive members with higher taxes and uncontrolled inflation.

Obama said he wanted to "fundamentally change America" and this how he is doing it. An over reaching and suffocating pile of rules and regulations, out of control spending on worthless industries and proposals now that will make things even worse, not better.

Will we fall for this line from the progressives again as so many did in 2008? Or will we say enough is enough, we want our country back. Think about what this country is all about on November 6th and what you believe will change things for the better.

Obama's Death by Jobs
Source: Henry I. Miller, "Obama's Death by Jobs," Hoover Institute, October 10, 2012.

October 25, 2012
The economic picture given to us by key administration and congressional personnel and leaders is so different from reality that it looks as if it were from a parallel universe.

Indeed, America has not turned the corner as Vice President Joe Biden said at the Democratic convention. From unemployment, taxes, regulations and the mishandling of affairs by the administration, the economic situation is not looking good.

Our economic outlook looks poor due to the administration's shortcomings, which include lack of transparency, wasteful spending, overbearing regulation and growing distrust of the public sector, says Henry I. Miller, the Robert Wesson Fellow in Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at the Hoover Institution.

•Only 114,000 jobs were created in September.
•Seventeen million Americans were unemployed.
•The hourly wage of college-educated Americans ages 23 to 29 dropped 4.9 percent from 2007 to 2011.
•Gross domestic product is expected to grow at 1.6 percent instead of 2.5 percent a year.

In addition, the administration's increase in taxes is causing taxpayers to spend less and thus is reducing the demand for goods and services. A claim of greater transparency is hard to believe when the government's spring 2012 "Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions" has not been published. More financial, environmental and consumer-product regulations are planned that will cost consumers tens of billions of dollars.

Moreover, the White House is meddling in the affairs of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, such as the case with genetically engineered Atlantic salmon, and into state politics with California's Proposition 37 that requires the labeling of certain foods as "genetically engineered." Such interference by the Obama administration will increase costs to consumers and slow the economic recovery.

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