Sunday, September 15, 2024

More Beer Magic! Hand Is Quicker Than The Eye!(Video)

This is really fun to watch as these guys, Magicians, seen to possess that special touch where the hand is quicker than the eye. Quite remarkable!

Calvin Confused On Adult Idea of What's ''Cool''!

 Everything is based on one's perception of the natural way of the world. Many things enter into the formulation of what one thinks is necessary to be seen as competent and relevant in today society!

Or maybe some good common sense from mom will suffice!

Rod Serling's Newest Episode of The Twilight Zone! : democraaats Without A Kennedy!!! Weird!

 ''Just imagine if you will in an election for the most powerful job in the world and your moat magnificent political icon decides to switch parties!!!''

Yikes! The democraaats fear for an all-powerful government in the hands of Marxist liberated democraaats as they see it starting to slip away when they were so close to winning the grand prize.

They believed their lass minute effort of getting rid of the current brain dead  democraaat president and replacing him with an even more controllable person who is totally without any moral or ethical bindings that will be her guiding strategy if she becomes president of the United States!

The entire collective accepted her as their new icon for who and what they are today. The face of the Marxist newly liberated democraaat collective, formerly the democrat party!

 Little wonder than why Robert Kennedy is supporting Donald Trump! He can't believe or tolerate the corruption of his family name being associated with anything so un American!

Kamomala's ''Buy Back'' Gun Proposal! : You Must Kneel!!

It's amazing that so many people are unaware of what it will mean for everyone when the law-abiding population becomes unarmed and therefore unable to defend themselves from attack by criminals in and outside of Congress.

And the demand won't be just Kamomala and her communist friends from California and other sewers around the country, thirsting for more control and more money to feed their personal bank accounts. 

Many on both sides of the aisle who understand how important it is to be on the winning side in any debate or any confrontation for the ultimate grab for the total power over everyone and everything. Otherwise, the result of taking a stand for what's right and Constitutional will mean being forced out into the outer darkness without the opportunity to be invited to the next congressional victory party.

Everyone that is anyone will be there!! 

God forbid! The horror of it staggers the imagination!

So, why does Kamomala what to unarm the population!
Asking any democraaat for an answer will bring a rush of sweet
nothings about democracy and being safe in the arms of a
government that is all things for all people!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Kamomala Is Serving Dinner! : All You Can Stomach With Lies!

 What is all is going to come down to is just how many ignorant people that are just surviving day to day but still have no idea why they are living in a near death proposition. 

And worse, they never will even when the time comes to do the right thing, they are helpless to decide what is true and what is Marxist democraaat misinformation even when it is completely clearly spelled out by the leader of the collective.

She and the media sycophants are telling the truth, she is
just who she says she is and always have been.

It the tail of the tape that brings the meaning to
life in her own words!

The Case for Trump In 2024! : Charle Kirk! 2020 (Video)

 And now even more so in 2024! The country will not survive an educated California Marist socialist, a willing and compliant communist. We are at a tipping point in a America. 

This election will decide whether we as a nation remains the best place for life, ''Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness''!

The bottom line to always remember, Donald Trump is one of us!!

He Has Bad Headacks! : The Doctors Says He Has A fix! (Video)

 What this tells us is to get a second opinion when the remedy might be worse than the problem!!

The History of England? : But America Is Ready to Kneel As Well?

 After what has happened lately in England with the horrors of the destruction of free speech, where you will be sent to jail if it is determined, by the government, your speech is counterproductive for government institutions and mandates, or it is determined dangerous to public safety.

Little is left to wonder when America's jails will begin to fill as well with law breakers! Oh wait, they already are with January 6th patriots who protested at the capital but now could begin to fill in earnest shortly after November 5th if the California Marxist socialist liberated democraaats takes the White House!!

Remember, she told us for years what she believes and wants to bring California's best innovating laws and brightest new and rewarding legislation to the nation capital for the revealing of America's next revolution.

The applause is deafening as millions rise to their collectively feet in acceptance for the new leadership for change begins with the ceremonies of turning off the lights in the shining city on the hill. As the crowd knows it was too bright anyway, it just forced us to make decisions that were too difficult. Living in darkness makes our problems less freighting.

"When ignorance is bliss, tis' folly to be wise!''

Friday, September 13, 2024

Kamomala's Policy Retreads Listed : Even Old Joe's Losing Agenda!

 One would think something like this that is so extremely without valid personal integrity could be unleased on the general public and then demand we all disbelieve our lying eyes; it couldn't happen in Amecia. 

Where someone is so without any ethical and moral founding that she can lie straight faced with enthusiasm to her base about what she intends for the county. 

But no, she is a totally vacant individual for processing intellectual programs and ideas other than her California dreams of, ''One power to control all other powers''' and by any means necessary! 

And worse, she has powerful people waiting in the darkness to guide her into creating a nightmare of a Marxist economic socialist disaster that will be left for generations to come to suffer.

She and they mean to do us all harm!

Truly, we are in uncharted waters with the lee shore in sight!!

Orange Man Bad!! : Peaceful Transfer of Power?

 Hey, when Trump wins in November, everyone knows the streets will be ablaze across the county with Marxist liberated democraaats burning buildings and cars, dead bodies littering the streets.

How come? Nothing to see here, it's just the way democraaats do power transitions!

Just wait until November to see the democraaats
in full flow killing and burning America's heritage!

What's Boeing's Next Move! : A Book or A Movie?

 So, the crew is stuck in space until Feb 2025 at the space station. They apparently have enough food and energy to last them, but it seems Boeing does have some need to answer what happened to the program. 

So what will the crew be doing all this time? Six months in that small space!   hmmmm

Some are discussing the ''Bang'' heard around the world!

Starliner in prep!

Starliner heading for space station!

What will the crew be doing for 6 months?

Thursday, September 12, 2024

By The Way, Who The Hell Is Gina Raimondo? : What? No Way!!

How did she get the job of being Secretary of Commerce? She a lawyer. She's a female? Is that enough for democraaats? She's not gay though? 

What does she bring to the job as qualification for business enterprise expansion, and what has she done for the country? 

Does it matter?

What is her relationship with Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation? And what was his qualifications to get the job? Commence and transpiration seem to go hand in hand. Both are in chaos and conflict!

(She wasn't the one stealing luggage from the airport, was she?)

Calvin Debates His Mother On Intellectual Expansion!

 Now this is something to contemplate when real power comes into play!

Th Border cZar : Where IS Vice President Kamomala?

 For all purposes, the vice president is now in charge of the nation as the president is no longer in charge. The controlling democraaat leadership that has been operating behind the scenes for the last 4 years to manipulate and articulate the puppet that sits behind the Resolute Desk in the White House today is not a real person but only a facsimile.

Now the real power has decided he was no longer needed to do their will, replacing him with the vice president as the Constitution demands when the president is no longer able to execute the duties of the office.

And with the entire legacy media in total conjunction with the democraaat leadership committee pulling on the strings, we now have the vice president who is really in control of the nation, but she wasn't told. She was instructed to do and say what we, the leadership committee want done and they will take care of the details. 

Ever wonder why the nation is out of control? Why it seems the entire government is set to diver the people to their collective knees? 

Are we being corralled into some mindset to believe we no longer have a place at the table? Is it just a bunch of unelected political elites who have an agenda that doesn't include the people? 

Who the hell are these people and why are we not doing something to stop them?

Electing Donald Trump will be best and last hope for America!

DNC Must Have Control : And By Any Means Necessary!

That the democraaat National Committee would believe that their base wouldn't notice that they told the President of the United States that he no longer is in control of the nation, they told him to stay indoors and to make no political or policy statements without first getting approval.

Butr  wait, what did the base say about this? hmmmmm Sorry, speak up,  I didn't hear that?

And then without any approval from the voter base or demanding some transparency, they decided on stheir own, Barry and his friends, who will carry the flag of the collective into the race for the White House in November.  And who better that another brain-dead sycophant who will dance on the end of strings just like the first guy, only it's believed she will be even more acceptable to learning a whole new plethora of toons.

After all, Kamomala is all about the bright lights, dancing on center stage and applause. But the show must go on no matter how dark the clouds that threatens to change the end the program before the finale.

Of course, don't be fooled with the rhetoric, it was never about the
people's right to exist or some stupid program like democracy, it is
 now and always has been about getting and keeping
the power for control!

Remember, ''democraaats are willing to destroy the country
just for the chance to feed on the dead carcass!''

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Comedian Chris Rock's Video, ''Don't Get Your Ass Kicked By Police!''

Some advice from Chirs Rock on how black people should act to not get their ass kicked by police. This is a little dated in that it has been around for years. Still a funny stint!

Life Without Thought or Conequence! : Kamomala's Marxist Success!

 ''All those years living in California taught me want I want to do with my life, and I knew instinctively what i needed to do to make it happen.''

The plethora of video tape proof of all those years working her way up the ladder of success was a true story of how to work the system to one's advantage. Some people you have to step on and others you have to - - you what else it takes to get and keep power!

 The people are just pawns, tools to accomplish the task for
positions of personal power for controlling her own life
at the expense of others.

She knew California one party system worked wonders
for establishing her confides as a real and serious player.

Willy Browm, mayor of San Fransico was a major player
in her rise to power.

Kamomala Wants to Know Who Wrecked The Economy!?

 democraaats need to look no further than their collective mirror. Neo-communist agendas, theories and ideologies throughout history have never worked and never will.

Even from our most distant ancestries that came here in 1620, landing at Plymouth Harbor, Cape Code, the Pilgrams, who were escaping religious tyranny, found that old country monarchy socialist tendencies, kings ruled the land, and government organizations based on their power was a corrupted lifestyles of the rich who ruled absolutely, didn't work for them to product the food they needed to survive. 

They started out where everyone was to share in the labor to grow the needed crops to live but it failed because some of the congregation didn't do their fair share of the work but still wanted their share of the produce. The result was many of the flock died their firsts winter of starvation and the cold.

As a leader, William Bradford suggested a government style that gave everyone their plot of land and to work it as they saw fit and then traded with others among the flock and even the local Indians, to meet their individual needs.

The beginning of a capitalistic sociality that worked perfectly!

Signing the Mayflower Compact that sought to 
organize the Pilgrims to work together.

                                                         But now the communists find their

                                            style of government is a failure. But whose fault it?

Looking to Have A Hot Body? : Presbyterians Understand!

Sometimes we have to take a step back and use Occam's Razor theory to answer this question. ''The simplest answers is usually the best when there are competing solutions to the same question.'' 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

If The Aliens Have A Problem With Communication Skills! What About Kamomala?

 It seems there is some cross over at play here between people who have no idea what to say next other than the first thing that comes into their mind. 

And when that fails, cackle, cackle, cackle! hmmmmm What planet does she come from? Oh, sure, we know, too many years of living the good life in California's politics!

Kamomala is on the campaign trail!

If Ol' Joe Is On The Beach, Who's In Charge? The vice President??

 Hey, no really, who is in charge of running the country while Joe slides into another dimension, his last, on the beach in Delaware where he has been on vacation for more that 40% of his entire presidency.

Kamomala is the VP, so was she in charge of the country while Joe was on vacation? What about the wars raging around the world, crime in the streets out of control and the wide-open border allowing in 10's of millions of criminals and the economy collapsing under the weight of 20% inflation!

Was all that because Kamomala was in charge?

And then what happened to law and order in California while you
were in charge as AG, the head policeman!?

Who Has Your Back? : Vote Like You Know!

 We are breaking new ground in this Republic, this federation of states, where one candidate running for president is an admitted and unabashed communist in her agenda and ideology.

It's easy to understand given her years of political activism in the once great state of California whereas the saying goes, ''Everything is beyond parody''! A one-party state, a Marxist liberated democraaat nightmare running roughshod over everything and everybody, have created a piss hole of confusing, chaos, conflict and abject poverty for the middle-class citizen. 

There are only two classes in California, those that have and those that don't. Those that are at the levers of power and those that just get 'shit and shoveled in it''!

Little wonder why 100's of thousands of citizens are fleeing that state every year.

The democraaats  have by design of their agenda and ideology a hell's sewer of corrupt politics ending in out-of-control crime and destruction of any kind of law and order to achieve a civil society that a citizen can raise a family and live a life with Secuity and prosperity.

If you don't believe this is what she is all about, then you
will get the government you voted For.

Again and again, living on your knees isn't so bad once
you get used to it!

Monday, September 09, 2024

Before Leaving the House, Always Tie Up The Dog!!

 Some people just believe the can swing out the door without a single thought for others in the family!

Have a good week!

The Guy Said, ''It's Medicinal!'' : The Cop's Not Convinced!

 Hey wait a minute! What the hell's wrong with hauling a machine gun around in the back of my pickup truck? People do this all the time around here!

Can You Know Too Much? : Be Careful With Perception!

Just when you thought it was safe to seek knowledge, you find what you seek is or might be a revelation you can use in your vast accumulations of pertinent facts for making your way in life better making sound and pertinent decisions.

But what you actually find is that mostly everything you always thought was reverent and true is actually irreverent, only a bogus fantasy and maybe worse, what you thought was useful and enlightening becomes near useless. And again, you learn it apparently, probably always has been! 

Now what to do? Where do we go from here?

Beware of those bearing gifts of intellectual brilliance. What you might find is just more nonsense coming from those that have been already cast aside as being irrelevant. 

That's why they hide at universities and on hill tops!!


The journey home will be treacherous!

I'm Voting Kamomala! : But Why? Be Honest!

We want to know who you are so we can understand why you are here?

Trying to figure out why someone would knowingly and willingly accept a statement as fact from someone who hasn't explained their own reasonings in any of the pressing matters or situations that demands clarification!

All She does is run away from questions that need answers if she wants to be a leader of the people!

It's extremely interesting that she hasn't detailed how she will solve even one of the major problems that this nation is facing that's due directly from decisions made by the candidate herself as vice president of the United States. The open border, crime in the streets, economic collapse for the middle classes due to extreme inflation and foreign wars spreading across two continents since she has taken office four years ago.

Oh, and why hasn't she done anything about these problems as she is still in power as Vice President?

Why is it that just her appearance on stage seems is enough for millions of voters, many are unmarried and educated, a major voting block 18 to 34 young woman who should know better. They arenn't stupid, right?

They applaud her even though she is someone that is totally transparent, that is they can easily see through her to where she came from, California, a state that is totally out of control, and that she has a video history for all to see that is in opposition to the founding of the country and our Constitution.

She has nothing of substance to offer as solutions to solve the problems in our civil society.  And yet the needy and simple-minded line up to vote for their own demise.

But why the hate? Are you better off now than when
Donald Trump was in running the country??

Sunday, September 08, 2024

The Chief Job Creator!! Donald Trump!

 A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to restore the size of your wallet. He did it once and he can and will doit again!

''Been There, Done That''! Any other choice is to place you and your family a risk of moral and ethical destruction! The democraaats mean to do us all harm!!

Kamomala Knows What She Wants : She Just Wants Your Power! for Control!!

The thing she knows for sure is that taking the top job for absolute control of all things is her only job in life in San Fransico or the state of California, was operating above the fray, or now her final objective in Washington, demanding others do her bidding, and she will do whatever it takes to achieve that end.

She has nothing to give in return for her subject's loyalty as she always been an empty vessel. 

All she can promise to all those who love her and her socialist agenda in the voting booth other then they will have more days to steal and rob the weak and helpless of their possessions. The country in free fall!!

California reborn for the entire country where everything is beyond parity.

Hail to the chief! The king is dead! Long live the king!

Amazing How Stupid The Marxist democraaats Think We Are!!??

 Well, in a lot of ways millions of good people in the country are actually and have proven to be stupid and ignorant of all things rational and true. 

No? If you watched and listened to what went on at the DNC conventions last month in Chicago, little is left to wonder why those people are not like the rest of us, blessed with our feet firmly planted on the   ground and mindful of what we know instinctively to be common sense issues, and what they believe is nothing more than a hopeful fantasy, the liberated democraaats are again swimming the pond of past Barrrack's ''I'm the One'' glories!

Time to put an end to all of their bullshit!!

And yet millions of good citzens believe whta they are
told by Marxits democraaats

Vote For Kamomala! : Prove You Are Ignorant Therefore Dangerous!!

 How is it that The Marxist liberated democraaats can run a candidate that has no redeeming qualities of any sort that can or will prove her to be a serious leader of our country?

And yet the entire mainstream media that said just a couple months ago she was a mystery as to her qualification to be president, is all in to do just that for her. The lies about her background and history are Soviet style misinformation tactics to convince the voters she is actually a qualified candidate.

In reality Kamomala Harris, according to all the video recordings of her showing she is actually a Marxist socialist. And yet again the media demands she has denounced all of those policies over all of the years of her experience as city Attorney General (AG) of San Francsico and then as the state of California proves she is who she said she was then and now.

She says she is a new person, clean of all her past nonsense of communist ideology! Hey, is she something entirely different than after her 20 years of California dreaming? 

But why do they keep her locked away from the press? ''Come on man, ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies''

''We don't need no stinkin' press conferences!''

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Evolution Explained! : Who Took the First Step On Land?

The simplicity of this explanation speaks volumes!

democraaats Are Myopic! : Clearly Near Sighted!

Little is left to understand, given what wee and hear from Marxist democraaats,  everything they do is about the present and how to maximize all control for taking advantage of immediate situations they created to bring chaos and confusion to the nation for the opportunity to get more power by any means necessary!

As we have stated many times, a democraaat without the power for control is not a real person, only a ghost of struggles past! A shadow lurking in the darkness waiting for an opportunity to wage war again against the country of free people.


The British Declare Free Speech Against The Law! : America IS Next!

What good reasons to vote for four more years of Marxist liberated democraaats at the levers of power. 

In the November's election, the answer for who gets to think and speak and who doesn't! democraaats are demanding Republicans must be censored as they are speaking about the first amendment to the Constitution as being the most important. This has to stop!! Democracy will end otherwise!

democraaats say that's election interference and must be eliminated from the conservation to save democracy!

Remember all the hysteria over Trump taking away our democracy and therefore must be stopped at all costs? Even believing his death will be a good thing to save democracy? The Serret Service whistle blowers' statements are beyond comprehension. (And the FBI's complete silence and stonewalling of congress's investigation is reason enough to believe they are the enemy of the people!?)

The treason of a willingness to look the other way!! Why there is no outrage for the Secret Service's total and complete failure to protect Donald Trump is clear! 

The details coming out now in this horrendous failure is seen as a collusion between the Secret Serice and the Department of Justice allowing it to happen.

Marxist democraaats believe the individual has no rights,
only the opportunity to do their duty for the collective!

Betrh Doesn't Know Who She's Voting For, Yet! : A Fool's Worst Nightmare!!

 Voices in the darkness whispering 'Beware of things you don't understand!' It bodes poorly for your survival as a free person living in a free country. 

There are no guarantees for the freedom to choose, only the opportunity to decide which path to take at the fork in the road!

Remember, 'chose with no regret!' Step out of line! Do it now!  You have only one chance to do the right thing, and failing in this task will determine your future and that of your family for generations to come.

Psalm 30-5, ''Weeping endures for the night but joy comes in the morning!'' is always a good place to be. But never forget, there are forces afoot to make sure the light of day that brings joy will be very dim, if not extinguished if you vote for people who want to turn the lights off!

But never fear, when the bell tolls in the dark, know it
tolls for you!

Friday, September 06, 2024

Kia's Newest Car for The Masses! : ''The Kamomala''! For The Ages!! (Video)

 Vote in November like you are looking for a way to change your life for the better. Kia brings their newest and most advanced addition to their already fantastic line of people carriers to America.

The new ''Kamomala'' is something that everyone on your block will have to have or be shammed into oblivion.

''Come on man, this is so good and good you! Jill and I have one. I don't know how we got along without one! Hell, even Hunter uses it to go back and forth several times a week to the Chiens embassy. He says he loves it. 

''When I drive into the parking lot the kia'', Hunter says, 'the media thinks I'm just some clod looking to make a fasts buck. Hell, they give money to any one even Governor Walz, Senator Feinstein and even playboy Congressman Swalwell that was banging a Chinese spy!!''

Hunter accredits a lot of his current success with his supporting the financial wellbeing the family to the kia Kamomala!!

Kamomala Shouts, ''Biiydenomics IS Working!'' Cackle! Cackel! : The Ignorant Applaud!

 The Marxist democraaats believe all that's necessary for success in your life is to believe what we tell you is the truth. Pay no attention to your eyes and wallet!

And if you don't believe what we are telling you is true and complain about food prices or the immigrates that flood the streets or it's not safe to walk the city streets anymore because of rampant crime, maybe then it's time for you to spend some time behind bars as you're a Russian propogandist, a communist activist.

Worse, a Republican or a Conservative! Yikes!!

Kamomala is on a roll selling her self as the next
Barry Oybjmma that's here to save us all from a
Republican agenda of success and a bright future.

Biiydenonomic is working!

What IS The Actual Cost of democraaat's Illegal Immigration!!??

This absolutely horrifying and criminal activity on the part of Marxist liberated democraaats to purposefully change the voter base for democraaats to take permanent control of America. 

The results are beyond one's worse imaginations. They, the democraaats own this nightmare for our country and the horrific future for generations to come will cause great suffering!!

 You'll "Love" this one: Paying taxes - It's your civic duty!

The biggest factor of why Seniors are losing more and more benefits. They are getting blamed for part of our country’s increasing deficit.

It's easy to dismiss individual programs that benefit non-citizens until they're all put together and this picture emerges. Someone did a lot of research to put together all this data. Often these programs are buried within other programs making it difficult to find each of them.

The following 11 reasons should be forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the readers gets sick of reading them. Included are the URL's for verification of all the following facts.

1. $11 Billion to $22 Billion is spent on welfare to illegal immigrants each year by state governments.

Verify At: eServer?pagename=iic_immigrati onissuecenters7fd8

< Pag eServer?pagename=iic_immigrati onissuecenters7fd8 >

2 $22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food Assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal immigrants.

Verify At:

< 20 04/fiscalexec.HTML

The High Cost of Cheap Labor | Center for Immigration Studies

About the Author Steven A. Camarota is Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C. He holds a master's degree in political science .

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal immigrants.
Verify At: 04/fiscalexec.HTML

The High Cost of Cheap Labor | Center for Immigration Studies

About the Author Steven A. Camarota is Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C. He holds a master's degree in political science .

<http://www. ec.HTML >

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on Primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
Verify At: NscriptS/0604/01/ldt...0.HTML

< RA NscriptS/0604/01/ldt...0.HTML >

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for Education for the American-born Children of illegal immigrants, known as Anchor babies.
Verify At: NscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML

< RA NscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal immigrants.
Verify At: TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTM L<

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href=" http://transcripts.cnn. com/%20 TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTM L "

target="_blank" rel="nofollow"http://transcrip /01/ldt.01.HTML>

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison Inmates are illegal immigrants.
Verify At: lBlockedError.aspx

< Ur lBlockedError.aspx >

8 $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on Illegal immigrants for Welfare & Social Services by the American taxpayers.
Verify At: PTS/0610/29/ldt.01.HTML

< TRANSCI PTS/0610/29/ldt.01.HTML >

9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal immigrants.
Verify At: NSCRI


10. In 2006, illegal immigrants sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their Countries of origin.
Verify At:. nih t.htm >;
11. The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes committed By Illegal Immigrants In The United States .
Verify At:http:
// articlesh tml >;



And if the Marxist democraaats win in November, just imagine what the bill will look like after another 15 million + illegal immigrants come into the country demanding they have rights to!!

Are we THAT Stupid?

If this doesn't bother you, then just delete the message. If, on the other hand, it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, I hope you forward it to every Tax Payer in the United States!!!


Who Knew? : Your Job Is To Believe Him!!

How did we get here in the first place having to understand the guy running for vice president is not living in the same country that other people do that believe America is God given country and that ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose''!

Governor Walz believes his connection to communist China has a better solution for what the general public needs for living a better life. Governor Walz is convinced the communist Chinese way of government is better suited to the betterment of the human condition than what America has with it's Constitution and Bill of Rights. 

Vote like you understand what this means for the future of America, individual freedom and liberty for which it stands!

Governor Walz is not a real person but something
completely different from the rest of us. He is an 
enigma masquerading as one of us but finding
it impossible to hide who he really is.

More importantly maybe, he appears not to care what
anyone thinks about his public persona as a
Marxist socialist!

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Parking Is A Problem In The Middle East : The Solution Found! (Video)

 Innovation is the answer for just about anything in our complex world. This short video explains clearly a workable solution to a parking problem.

We all have this problem. We park in these huge parking lots but forget where left our vehicle. And worse, the modern-day mode of transpiration designs seems to all look alike, very confusing and embarrassing when we have wonder around looking where we parked.

Facts That Are Troubling! : What's The Problem? Who's On First!

 There isn't a problem because all that needs to be done is believe there never was a problem to begin with. Now, all is good. We have a candidate that was found to be without substance or worth by the voters during the primary when she ran in 2020.

And then in 2024, the party decided that their president from the fraudulent election in 2020 was not mentally able to represent the party, so they dumped him and replace him with another or even worse mentally challenged person to run in his place.

How does something like this take place? Were there any objections raised? dah!  Why would any good democraaat have an objection when leadership tells the party members how it had to be done and if they do have an objection, they keep to themselves. They aren't interested or concerned about what you think or what you have to say!

In a matter of hours, the party went from dumping kamomala
as a totally worthless candidate to being the next coming
of a savior to win the election.

Donald Trump Is and Was Right! : History IS Proof Enough?

It's always a difficult having a debate with a Marxist liberated democraaat that denies there is any connection to what happened before our nightmare began just 4 years ago when democraaat Joe Biiyden stole the presidency and began his epic journey to drive to fundamental change to Ameria with neo-communist socialism destroying the country as founded.

And also, with the help of historic fact, the country is in free fall everywhere one looks, from crime the streets, social and economic collapse, an illegal immigration and disaster two wars on going around the world with possibility of several more on the way.

What more can go bad with the election of Marxist liberated democraaats at the levers of power for four more years?

Just consider what will result with 4 more years of what we have witnessed over the last 4 years, and then vote to make sure how our lives will be changed for generations to come. What joy!!

Are Birds Dinosaurs? OR Just Relatives?

Interesting perspective on just how, maybe, some bird species have some connection to the dim past. 

Much like some lizard species we know about that have a striking resemblance what they were some years ago that dominated the earth, our dinosaur museums have their impressive relatives on display.

Keeping the entire discussion in perspective.

Sure, maybe so, but then may be not, it's the debate that is so
interesting when considering we have some relatives from 
years ago in our dim past.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

The Ultimate In Wealth Redistribution: Kamomala's Climate Change Fraud!

 The Marxist liberated democraaats know just how easy it is to dupe the general public into doing things that they know isn't unattainable.

And yet given how anyone with any common sense understands you can't spend more and more money that will eventually change the weather. 

Sadly, there are millions of good citizens that still believe what our government tells them is the truth.

Every year the lunatic hoard is more than ready to pay 
whatever is demanded of them to enrich those at the
levers of power
Kamomala was the deciding vote in the Senate and
the second bill, as a stimulus bill, along with the inflation act  
cost the taxpayer $trillions and caused inflation to 
destroy the economy for middle class citizens.

And Kamomala knows this as she
comes from California where the people are dumbed 
down to such an stent that no matter how absurd
the demand, the people take knee and open 
their wallets!

Bald Egale Needed Help! : Humans Said, We'll Do It! (Video)

 This video is what we  all would do under such circumstances! It's with real people are all about!

Kamomala Is Sliding Into Oblivion? : Jack Smith to The Rescue!!

 And now for their next act to defy reality, Jack Smith brings yet another indictment of Donald Trump they believe will be the final blow to destroy any opposition to their California Marxist empty suit candidate to rule the world.

The dark side actors know Kamomala will be even easier to control than old Joe as she may not be mentally compromised with dementia like Joe, but she is totally without moral or ethical restraint or substance, ready and more than willing to be used and or abused just for the sake of being on center stage.

Her history precedes her emergence on center stage! You can run but you can't hide!

She is the perfect stand-in for the deep state actors that know this election in November will be their best chance to solidify their power in Washington for the next several generations of American citizens who have no idea what it means to be without freedom. 

But for the Marxist liberated democraaats, absolute power for absolute solutions to all things!

Will the darkness that follows her from California will be
what takes her down? Maybe but the tale of compromise
will have the last laugh for all of us waiting in the wings!

National Champion Stunt Team!! Fantastic! (Video)

This is absolutely a fantastic demonstration of balance and athleticism. You have to be impressed by what this team is doing!!

Breathless in form and function!!

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

''Unforgettable'' : Sung by Natalie and Nat King Cole! (Video)

I just couldn't pass this up to share this morning as it's such a great tribute to Nat Kind Cole sung by his daughter Natalie. This is so good and perfect to start the week off on this cold political and social morose news morning with something to warm the heart.


What? You Have An Opinion? : To Bad! Go to Jail!!

 The news from England that people with opinions that differ from what the government professes can be seen as endangering public safety and therefore reasons to be arrested, fined and jailed!

The communists are running wild across the Western world without any restrictions except there probably won't be enough jail space for all of the victims demanding free speech.

And know this, depending on what takes place on November the 5th, where Kamomala and the communist hordes taking control of our government to bring Barry's ''fundamental change'' to life, this scenario can and will be taking place in America.

For as long as can remember, they, the smartest in the room,
have always said it can't happen here. Now we know 
that's bullshit!!! It has been happening ever since
2015 and 2016 when the democraaats staged their first coup to 
over through the duly elected government of 
Donald Trump!