Wednesday, October 02, 2024

The Best Laid Plans for Victory : democraaats Use The "Finally Solution!''?

Is it possible that the Marxist liberated democraaats have finally decided they can't win the election in November with the people they have on their side, so they have resorted to eliminating all opposition by any means necessary.

Ther fear of losing power for the Marxist democraaats means all options are on the table!!

And if that seems over the top rhetoric, it's strange there hasn't been any outrage from the mainstream media on what and how the failures of the Secret Service (SS) have contributed to the 2 assassination attempts on the life of Donald Trump.

The only plausible explanation that can be understood and discussed is the Marxist democraaats want to use the elimination option to win the election. If a killer is staking the candidate and slips through the SS halfhearted protection, then let it happen. Apparently, they are actively at work to make it happen!

The government agents in charge know there won't be any push back from the justice system that is nearly or completely controlled by those in power.

The question now is who hired these guys? And more important
maybe is why is the FBI and the DOJ are protecting them?

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