Friday, October 11, 2024

When The Obvious Hurts Credibility! : Worse Yet, They Don't Care!!

The finish line is in sight! Now it's time to pull out all of the remaining secret tactics to win. No matter how fowl they seem to be, just do it, If we lose the brass ring it won't matter because then we will have to change our entire game plan.

''We will have to switch from an aggressive winning strategy 'by any means necessary' to an aggressive losing strategy. From running with evectional moves including misinformation to covert disinformation to cover our tracks attacking the opposition at every point of their programs. 

And never ever letting up the pressure to cause as much confusion and chaos for his game plan no matter what is, no matter how beneficial it may seem to and for the country.

''It is imperative we never allow success to dominate failure!''

Watch a master criminal at work! An entier life time of doing
what ever it takes to get and keep the power for making
himself and his family rich.

There are no limits, none! The worst has already been
unused and failed. Try and try again to win the p[ot of 
gold. We can do this!

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