Monday, October 07, 2024

Just Imagine ''State of The Union Speech'' If Kamomala Wins!!

Hey, haoe  abo90utg inauguration day in front of the Capital!! Oh, and then just the thought of that, watching Kamomala tell the country during the SUS how good they have under rule, makes me feel weak in the knees and beads of sweat form on my forehead. Watching the country become a third world sewer is not conducive to show any optimism for the future.

Of course, the upside is I won't be able to watch it on televisions anyway because I'll be living on the street in a cardboard box behind Walmart waiting to see what my next meal will be. 

The problem though is some of my associates are living in the dumpster nearby, and so they get first pick.

Living with assorted anxiety and mental disorders from
listening to her explain why so many of our countrymen
are destitute!

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