Friday, October 25, 2024

The Scan Shows Brain Damage! : ''I'm Not Sure About That!''

 My goodness, all that's required to understand that a brain scan wasn't necessary to see she is damaged probably beyond repair. She demonstrates on a daily basis that she is not fit to lead anything or anybody that requires organized thought let alone the entire free world.

And yet millions are ignorant of who and what she represents. They are mean spirited and criminally focused on taking total control of the country by any means necessary including assignation of opponents if they believe they will lose power!

Oh wait, they believed this weeks ago? Given the hate coming from Kamomala and her media sycophants, little is left to wonder what they are feeling about the loss of power coming and soon.

Vote like you want to live a life of disruption and chaos leads to that enviable loss of personal identity!! How nice to be just a number waiting in line for warm soup!

Kamomala is not a real person but only a
close facsimile that the Marxist liberated
democraaat collective has propped up to carry
the flag of who they want you believe they are
but not who the actually are.

The problem is it has backfired. She is showing who
they really are and not even Barry can save them
from this display of total ignorance of how the
population actually lives and works.

Kamomala IS the real Marxist democraaat party!

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