Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Mental Age Among Politicians: Growing Up Is Too Confusing!!

 What this sound like a little girl's response at recess, acting irrationally with her classmates, is questioned by adults about her behavior on the playground.

Just imagine watching this same little girl addressing and explaining to the nation as president of the United States our response to a China invasion of Taiwan. 

I'm sure you will have that secure feeling of being in the hands of a qualified person to lead our military to protect our nation! 

Vote in November like you have a clue about what is coming for America if you fail to do the right thing!!   Choose with no regret!

Kamomala's interview with Bret Bear yesterday was an
exercise like watching a child explaining why
she should be allowed to ride her bicycle out in a hailstorm!

Make sure you know who voted for her to make your 
life a living nightmare of chaos, conflict and failure.

Remember this small but profound statement as well from
someone in our checkered past who understands the
 situation better than most if not all of those
who will vote for Kamomala ;

''If you do an autopsy of all
great nations you find they all commit suicide''!

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