Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Knowing The Difference Will Help! : Armed Guards Only for Money!?

 The question now is why are so many at the levers of power having armed guards in schools given what has transpired with school shootings?

Why not do whatever it takes to protect the kids from the mentally ill running loose in our country?

It's just easier I guess to understand we need armed guards to protect our money from those who what to take it from us by force as they are too lazy and mentally ill to earn it, but why so much discussion about stopping those that are mentally ill that want to take our kids from us and by force!?

We love guards for our money but not so much for protection where and how we live our lives? Maybe it's more sinister then that1 

Maybe there's a political element is our society that doesn't want our children to see police officers in schools doing a positive service to the community. Why is that?

The politics of control is all about who's in power and dictating
what is needed for surviving the riggers of life in a civil
society? Those in power believe Police are needed only for
their own protection but so much for the larger
society as well?

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