Thursday, July 13, 2023

Gas Stoves And AR-15's Must Go! : Pivot!! They Fear The People Understand!

Wait a minute, gas stoves? What is going on here? Liquid petroleum is bad for the environment but has no impact on causing climate change. Never mind any of that!

For everything that most of us hold dear and makes good sound common sense, there is no way anyone can change the climate from doing what it ever wants to do as it has for centuries! It is a criminal  activity to steal money and power from the people and nothing more and always has been for decades.

Al Gore? Fossil energy must end!! Gas powered cars will be outlawed by 2035? Electric cars won't have enough electricity to recharge when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow and the electrical grid won't and can't meet the demand for another 50 years!! Vote democraaat?

And if they can disarm the population and take away their ability to even feed them selves or move from one place to another, the people will have no other option but to obey or die.

They are ready to steal everyone we have by gun point!!

Why have so many people that are insane have gone to 
California to exist?

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