Monday, July 31, 2023

Biiyden Makes a Move to Prove The Dog Is Okay! : The Situation Is Confusing!

 Old Joe has come under fire from some in the press, who aren't afraid of being jailed or having some members of their immediate family go missing, ask why his dog is out of control, biting people on a regular basis. 

One of the questions was, ''is this dog biting problem symbolic of his entire administration where the country is being chewed up into pieces due to systematic bad policy and rampant corruption at all levels of government?''

''And you wearing a dog hood a single you are out of control and willing to protect the people from the damages you are doing country as a result of your mental illnesses?'' (Big smile!)

Old Joe might have gotten a little confused this morning
when taking the dog out for a walk! The press said he
 actually thought the circus was coming to town when the
Chinese balloon started to cross the country!

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