Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Amazing! As The News Gets Worse For Joe, The Weather Gets Hotter?

 Joe Biiyden life is becoming headlines even on the Marxist liberated democraaat dominated media which of course means it's time to pivot again and again. 

It seems though when Joe Biiyden and the Marxist's get into situations that can't be ''spun'' by the media, they explain that our death is imamate, pay no attention to what those other people are telling you, if we don't pay attention to what they are telling you is the truth, bad things will happen to you.

With the coming ''record breaking'' killing heatwave due to climate change, that's going to kill millions, even though it's summer and it's always hot in summer, and it's not record breaking at all, it makes no difference, the democraaats are running on empty with the different ways to explain how we all are going to die if we don't vote democraaat as they are the only ones voters can depend on to save themselves from ultimate destruction.

Death is close now, vote  democraaat to remain alive
and ignorant!

Climate change will kill us all! Little wonder wonder why the
 Caped Crusader always has to become extremely
animated to explain to the next generation how ignorant if not
totally stupid they are!

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