Friday, July 21, 2023

Climate Change Insanity : democraaat's Pivot From Joe Biiyden's Treachery!!!

It's just another ''pivot'' in an effort to distract you from the hearings in congress going on with the IRS whistle blowers explaining just how corrupt and criminal the Biiyden family is and the Marxist liberated democraaat administration really is as well. Our government!

You have to understand, it's the entire government that's out of control, not just the Biiyden's and their friends that are stealing everything in sight and then selling the country to our enemies to further enrich themselves.

All democraaats in seats of power are involved, at levels of government!

It's impossible to have to believe our president is actually taking bribes from our enemies in exchange for doing things that will favor them. It's true!! The evidence is now fact!!!(Not that it's just now, we have known this for years!!)

Here's one that staggeringly treasonous and easy to understand, the Chinese call it ''play for pay''!! Allowing the huge balloon to cross the country from one side to the other knowing full well that it was sent there by the Chinese to spy on America!!!

How many in America and around the world believe the
climate change insanity is nothing more then another
transfer of wealth and power from us to them?

The media climate change disease insanity is total. We have
to believe they are really this mentally damaged! Hey, what 
about the IRS whistle blowers?

Truly is this lost on millions of good citizens?

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