Wednesday, March 09, 2022

The democraaat's Fraud of Trump's Impeachment! ; The democraaat Fraud Of A Pandemic Even Larger!

What's really sad and scary, I knew the entire pandemic was a fraud from the beginning as I have stated here many times, but it never hurts to remind people what has transpired over the last two years.

Back in 2020 when The Fau Ci was being seen on every channel and featured on every podcast and front pages of all media out lets, it was a stark reminder of Susan Rice being front and center for days and then weeks to explain why our ambassador and three our Americans was murder in Benghazi.

I knew then it was a fraud. They were running another game on us and we were falling head first again for the lie of day! And look what it did to our country over the last two years. The cites democraaats burning, looting and killing in our streets cause 1100 police injured, 25 murdered in the streets.

Remember, nothing to see here, just move along and wait for the next big event that the democraaats will bring to demand more control. Ukraine!!??

Never ever vote democraaat again!! It really is a matter of national security!

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