Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Where Is The Common Sense : Why Buy Oil From Our Enemies?

 But then it isn't about the burning of fossil energy that creates CO2, which is also created by humans as well, it's only all about eliminating the options available for the average person to that has a life to live in a free country. This based on an ideology of getting and keeping the power for control.

Why else would the Marxist liberated democraaats shut down nearly all fossil energy production in our country, which by the way is the cleanest oil on the world, and then buy as much oil he can from others???


And just think about all that money going to the Russians for some of the dirtiest oil in the world? What purpose would Ol' Joe and the Marists have to force the citizens to pay huge gas price when we have more fossil energy resources than anyone else in the world???

Who gains from buy oil from foreign sources that hate us? Who in the past among us that gained an advantage from associating with these criminal entities?

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