Saturday, March 19, 2022

Why Did Biiyden Cancel The Keystone Pipeline? : Leave The People Without Options!!

The Green NewDeal is about making sure the general public has little or no option for how the live their lives. Biiyden and his communist friends, the Marist democraaats believe there can be only one authority and it's them to make all decisions and effect all outcomes!

It's therefore the job of the population is just to comply and obey! That closing the keystone was seen as insane as it was making us energy independent from our enemies. Now one has to believe what the true intention of Biiyden and his friends are all about, destroying America's place in the larger community of nations.

And who will lead what remains of the once great nation that is America, why it'll be the communist democraaats!!

It's not our oil that polluted but the Marxist liberated
democraaat collective's agenda and ideology.

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