Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Donald Trump A Russian Stooge for Putin? : Why Did Putin Wait For Joe Biiyden?

Why indeed did Putin wait until the Marxist liberated  democraaats took power in Wahington. Putin knew he had a ''kinship'' in the White House so was free to do whatever he wanted. All it would take is some grease in the right hands.

(Putin knew if someone could actually steal an election to the highest office in the most powerful country in the world, Biiyden was his guy!)

Putin knew Biiyden could be bought. History shows he and his entire family was bought and paid for by the Russians, Ukrainians and the Chinese!!! For Joe and his life, as a government employee for 50 years, it has always been about the money!

Criminals by any other name is still the 
The Biiyden family!

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