Thursday, March 17, 2022

Ukrainian Border Must Be Protected: United State Borders Are Open!

It seems that many citizens are becoming more than a little frustrated, angry with all of the coverage of the Ukranian war, but the Marxist communist democraaats are completely ignoring the nightmare of our own southern border.

How many people have died in Ukraine since the war started? That's not a good thing but do we know how many died in the United States from just the drugs that come across our southern board, sure more then 100,000 last year! 

According to the Marxists that's okay because they are just Americans. Biiyden believes they are all racist Republicans anyway! ''Who cares? Besides they don't pay me anything for my services like the Ukrainians do!''

Where the hell is the border anyway? Many people are not
sure our leaders have any idea what they are doing other then
getting us into another war!

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