Friday, July 02, 2021

The Communist Manifesto OR Progressive democraaat Ideology! : Lose Weight Fast Agenda!! Vote democraaat!

 Two agendas, manifestos, and ideologies, they all explain what their intent is of each. Take and keep the power for control by any means necessary no matter consequences. For the democraaats, they show us it's now or never as they have run out of options, the lying and deceit has run it course as they now are beginning the incredable stupid and brainless investigation of the January 6th capital ''Horned'' break-in.

The ''painted horned man'' nearly over threw the government of the United States. No one could have believed it would be that easy, but then look who is running the place!!!!!!!!

The agenda is death becomes you as you starve to death!

Stalin and Fredrich Engels as well as most progressive
democraaats discuss the needs of the people!
What is the difference between these two and Joe Biden?
Stalin murder 60 million of his own people and Joe hasn't?
Just wait!

Just ask old Joe Biden about what he believes is right and proper
behavior for national politicians as he takes bribes from the 

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