Saturday, July 17, 2021

Che Guevara Hated Capitalism! He's Not Happy In His Grave ! : Progressive Marxist democraaats Making $Millions From His Image!!??

 Look no further then the progressive socialist liberal Marxist democraaats and their friends around the world bringing pain and suffering to the populations as a matter of agenda and ideology, the communist manifesto of one rule and all others obey!

The protests going on right now will not end well for the Cubin people as they will not get any help from Joe Biden, just like the Iranian million man march for freedom that collapsed when Barrrack Ogbjmma refused to help them. Dozens were shot dead in the streets.

And of course the protest marches in Hong Kong that have now gone bad ass the Chinese increase their attacks without US backing like when Trump was President!

But no matter, Biden and the progressive democraaats are kindred spirits with the communists in Cuba and China or any other place where a government is torturing and killing members of it's population that seek the freedom and liberty to chose.

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