Friday, July 16, 2021

CRT Escaped From A College lab : Citizens Now Know The Danger and Fighting Back!

 Did you ever think you would find that your living conditions, your habitat is actually an insane asylum? You wake up in the morning thinking it's just a very bad dream but in reality it's all real and in a crushing fit of tears, head shaking and deep moans of abject fear, you know there is no escape.

Our country is being destroyed from within, gutted of individual freedom and liberty before our very eyes. No one just months ago would have believed this could ever happen in America but it has. 

Is there any hope for the future? Yeah there is but who will take a stand to stop it before it's too late? It's the people them selves, the mothers and fathers, the whites and the blacks and browns. It is regality, it is only the people themselves that will save the country and from what we have seen at school board meetings, they are doing just that! Taking a stand for the safety and well being of their own children. Thank God!

The great awaking!

Again the saying does apply here, ''When confronted by insurgencies, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are too often paralyzed from action by it''! It looks like they do recognize the danger.

Here's another one that I have used before on several occasion that has a lot of meaning for us today from Arnold Toynbee to show the way if we do nothing, ''An autopsy of history would show all great nations commit suicide''!

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