Thursday, July 29, 2021

Why The Second World War? : Could Happen Again? Victor Davis Hanson!(Video)

Hanson explains what happened between the combatants and what lead them to the disaster of a world war killing 65 million people! There is a connection now to what went on then.

There appears there is no clear agenda for who we are and our position in the world any longer now that we don't have any believable or illegitimate leadership! Those in power are completely self-serving and have no connection to America's heritage of individual freedom as her hallmark. 

Our leadership is now dedicated to internal isolation from world affairs, fundamentally changing America from being a Republic of states to a socialist power structure where those in power will remain in power by force and lead by edict.

What we are witnessing is the anchor that once held America secure, our Constitution,  has been cut and she is adrift. The consequences for the free world is now at risk of being lost!

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