Thursday, July 08, 2021

Is China Winning the War? : Why Little or No Opposition?

 As the porgressive socialist liberal Marxist democraaats roll out their intentions to install Barrrack's ''fundamental change'' he promised back in 2008, it's more then reasonable to believe that strategy is now in full play even though Joe Biden sir behind the desk in the Oval Office.

The democraaats are in full flow to make the necessary changes to our civil society that reflects the agenda and ideology of Marxist totalitarianism much like the Chinese and the old Russian Soviet Union were the party in power rules and the rest of population obey or suffer the consequences of disobedience.

Why is this even being discussed? Ignorance of history? It can't happen here? This is America? It can and is happening here.

As the Nebraska governor has declared a month long program to recognize the victims of communist rule across the world, and therefore it seem more then reasonable to recognize and believe we are living a resurgence of history that history. 

It's reasonable that we be reeducated as to the disaster that communism was for100's of millions everywhere and how it is was used for controlling populations and now it is being reintroduced in America.

Nothing good can come of this reinvention of socialist ideology in America or anywhere else. We are at the cross roads of where we must all decide what the future of our country will be. To neglect that duty is to ensure a fate for future generations of destruction of he American dream and the failure and pain brought for the loss of individual freedom and liberty to chose ones own destiny.

Chose now! The inability to make the right decision now will determine our future and that of our children for generations to come. 

Remember, "Freedom means having nothing else to lose''!

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