Thursday, June 24, 2021

What Price We Pay for Education Is Too Much? : How Much Does Ignorance Cost Us?

As our cities burn to the ground,  the majority of citizens stand by stunted not having every seen such destruction in their entire lives or in our history as a nation. It's unpresented where our own people want to destory what has given us all everything we every wanted or needed, or freedom to chose and the liberty o make it happen. People living the good life forget how they got here.

The saying that covers our situation today is, ''When confronted with insurgencies, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are often paralyzed by it!''

And yet the question is why do so many believe America's freedom and liberty must be the problem and therefore be destroyed? In reality it's the result of a poor or no education. Our enemies understand stupid people are easily led!

Stupid is what stupid does! We all lose everything we hold dear! The cost to us as a nation for ignorance is uncalculatable!

As we see our country being destroyed we have to understand
why it's happening!

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