Monday, June 21, 2021

What Happens When The Wind Doesn't Blow? : No Electricity? Good Idea!?

 Interesting how things come full circle when you least expect it and the results are nothing like you thought they might be under these conditions. Actually, no one gave it a second thought when deciding to spend the money so foolishly.

But I wonder is anyone will give voice to the notion that maybe being ''Woke'' is not a good idea. Common sense always seemed to work well in the past!

MSE Creative Consulting Blog.

TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2021

Literally Zero Wind Power in Texas Today

Following up on yesterday's ERCOT posting, the above graph is stunning. There is virtually no wind power being generated in Texas at this time. Thousands of wind turbines -- installed at a cost of tens of billions of dollars -- doing absolutely nothing.

And it is worse than the graph indicates. The top of this graph is 9,500 megawatts. The total wind capacity in Texas is 30,000+ megawatts!

Had the money been spent on nuclear plants, Texas would have plenty of electricity on hot days (wind energy fails when it is extremely hot and extremely cold -- when it is needed the most).

Wind energy is an expensive joke imposed on the ratepayers of Texas, Kansas and many other states that is doing nothing to decarbonize energy.

Warren Buffett, hardly a political conservative, has said the only reason to install wind mills is for the tax subsidy. It is past time for Congress to end these ridiculous subsidies and for states to impose a moratorium on wind energy installations.

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