Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Mark Robinson, Lt. Governor - N. Carolina : Mark Explains Responsibility! Video)

 My goodness, here's a guy that says what he believes is the truth and he says it without hesitation like he believes every word!! Here is a great definition of conviction!

Senate Bombed In 1983 By Communist/BLM's Susan Rosenberg : Now Works For BLM!!?? Not Insurrection?

But this wasn't insurrection? Come on man, it was committed by communist so it's okay. The real threat is those dam Republicans led by that face pained horned monster trying to over throw the government on January 6th! Run for cover! All is lost!

 Interesting that the connection to the communist party is so relevant to the actions of the hateful and destructive BLM terrorists that now work for BLM that now burn and loot our cities! But it's no wonder they, Susan Rosenberg and Linde Sue Evans are proud to say they are communist as they were trained by communist and directly linked to the progressive socialist democraaat collective!(Formerly the democrat party)

Why Was There A Virus Pandemic? : The ''Experts'' Took Advantage For The Profit Motive?(Video)

This has been around for awhile and whether there is any substance to it is the question to be debated. But it seems even more relevant now then the first time it was seen as more and more new evidence has become available to the general public that certain people are using and abusing the public trust for personal gain!

The Great Deceptor, The Fau Ci is chief among them?

The Flu Virus From 1918 That Killed Millions : Masks Were Then And Are Now Worthless!

 What the hell is going on with The Great Deceptor, Fau Ci demanding now we going back to masks and possible more lock downs again!? Like the sign say, ''wear a mask of go to jail?'', right? This is insane and the population is not going to accept this nonsense again from someone that repeatedly lied about the consequence of not wearing masks that he said didn't work to prevent infection.

Words Mean Things of Substances : But Sometimes They Mean Nothing At All!!

 How many times did the little boy cry wolf before his grandfather started to ignore the warnings  but with catastrophic results? With the progressive democraaats claiming everyone is a racist over and over again, it must mean that no one believes the population is racist except those pointing their collective fingers at others.

And the result of the constant attacks from the liberal socialists democraaats as everyone is racist, the push back when the population has had enough will be nasty!!!

Marxist democraaats use racism as a tool, like they are
using the Wuhan flu to install fear for controlling the 
population to do their bidding!

Progressive Socialist democraaats Say They Are Racist! : But Everyone Else Says We Aren't!!

 Why is it that when people tell us they are racists they automatically demand that everyone else has to be a racist as well? Who the hell are they to tell the rest of us we are racist? 

The population at large in our civil society is not racist and our patient with the hate and vile coming from the media and their surrogates in the progressive socialist liberal Marxist democraaat collective is growing thin!!

Stop with the hateful talk about the nation being a bad place to live when we knew from generations of others that came before us it is the best place on earth!

Progressive democraaats admit they are racist but why
do they demand everyone else must be hateful like them?

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Climate Change Across the Generations : How Bad Was It Back Then?(Video)

Watch this short video explaining climate change over the decades!

Climate change is just a tool that progressive socialist Marxist use to take control of the weakest members of our civil society where the citizen is manipulated with fear into believing the planet will be destroyed in 10 years if they don't allow $billions of tax dollars to be used for research which absolutely crazy.

Man-made climate change does not exist, it is totally a fraud, a political lie. Just like in the past they used the Wuhan flu to drive people into a frenzy of fear for which now is no longer believable. 

So now it on to  the next hateful fear mongering. They have pivot to climate change.

Teaching Critical Race Theory In Schools : Multiply Division!

 The Marist Leninist communist theory for control of populations is to start the lessons early and continue the indoctrination until student dies. Hate must always be reinforced!

Chairman of the Join Chiefs of staff Mark Milley Is Woke? Gay? : Military Needs To Be Reorganized! Less Violent!

 The general believes the military needs new leadership and a new focus, a new battle plan, a new way of thinking for the new Armed forces of America. His idea is to limit the valence in the military. Purge those elements who want to attack other nations when the attack us. 

Milly believes the ''velvet glove'' is the best solution to world wide conflict!

How Healthy Are You : A Special Indicator! Innovation At Work!(Video)

 It's amazing just how people and science can get things done when the pressure is on.

At The Age of Understanding : How Old Are You?

Just a few things that people who have been on the road of life for a few years understand how things actually work but don't suffer fools very well!

Am I getting old or what?

Am I getting to THAT age???  I found this timely because today I was in a shoe store that sells only shoes, nothing else. A young girl with a tattoo and green hair walked over to me and asked, "What brings you in today?" I looked at her and said, "I'm interested in buying a refrigerator."

She didn't quite know how to respond, had that deer-in-the-headlights look.

I was thinking about old age and decided that old age is when you still have something on the ball, but you are just too tired to bounce it. When people see a cat's litter box they always say, "Oh, have you got a cat?" I just say, "No, it's for company!"

Employment application blanks always ask who is to be called in case of an emergency. I think you should write, "An ambulance."

Here are a few things mature people know and understand how things work but many are still learning:

The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight – because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.

The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.

Have you ever noticed the Roman Numerals for forty (40) are XL.

The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he knows when he's really in trouble.

Did you ever notice that when you put the 2 words "The" and "IRS" together it spells "Theirs?"

Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age, and start bragging about it.  Some people try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know why I look this way. I've traveled a long way and a lot of the roads were not paved.

You know you are getting old when everything either dries up, sags or leaks. Ah! Being young is beautiful but being old is comfortable.

Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. And finally…May you always have: Love to share, Cash to spare, Tires with air, and Friends who care .

Monday, June 28, 2021

Interesting Demonstration On Candles and Wax Fires! Yikes!! (Video)

 If you have never thought about a stove grease fire and the way to put it out was not to use water but flour or some other dry substance. Watch what happens when water is thrown on hot wax!

Italian Immigrants At Ellis Island 1905 : How Things Have Changed!!!!

When they came to Ellis Island, they were organized and directed and controlled as newly arrived immigrants to our country. They weren't expecting a free ride of any kind, they had no idea what a free ride was, they only understood hard work just to survive without the threat of tyranny and starvation! 

But given what is happening today on our southern border with more the 180,000 freely coming last month and more then that this month, with the yearly total estimated to be more then 1.5 million, what we can expect the damage to our communities across the country is beyond comprehension.

Waiting for their turn to find a life without the 
threat of starvation.

What Is The Truth About Continued Violence In America? : Tolerance Is Not Open Ended!(Video)

At some point in time the entire population, including the black population will say this has to stop and when that point is reached, coming soon, it will stop! 

What Is Wrong With America Today? : 10 Reasons Explain Everything!

As the saying goes from Arnold Toynbee, ''If you did an autopsy of history, it would show all great nations commit suicide''!

This is Canada's Top Ten List of America's Stupidity. 
Canada's version of David Letterman's "Top 10":

10. Only in America... Could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.

9. Only in America... Could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they had a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black. 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans, 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!

8. Only in America... Could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the former head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

7. Only in America... Can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

6. Only in America... Would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.

5. Only in America... Could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

4. Only in America... Could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

3. Only in America... Could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. Oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

2. Only in America... Could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7 Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

1. Only in America... Could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there would be a shortage of sand." ~ Milton Friedman

Kamala At the Border : Where's Willy Brown When She Needs Him?

 There is no reason for Kamala to be at the border as she has no clue or care what is happening at our southern border as along as she parrots the progressive democraaat talking points. She said nothing of substance, here words were an indictment of just how worthless she is. 

The progressive democraaats will continue to destory the land and the citizens will be the order of the day, but only more chaos and conflict is needed to destory the civil society as founded.

It makes no sense. How come? Why are they doing this? Who are these people, really?

The Enemy of The People Now? : The FBI!? So Many Questions!

Who and what is the FBI? Are they friendly and can be trusted to up hold the Constitution or are they woke, progressive democraaat operatives dedicated to bringing ''fundamental change'' to America as just another tool to be used to bring the population to heel?

From what they have been doing over the last 4 years and the increased evidence we have seen over the last 6 months, they are truly not who the say they are.

Integrity once compromise can never be renewed!

Sunday, June 27, 2021

The New Mercedes Benz Electric : Innovation Extraordinaire!(Video)

 This video has been around for a while but still fun!

Tour de France Bike Race Crash ! Catastrophic!(Video)

One has to wonder how this kind of thing happens and it's not just in a bike race, morons that cause bodily harm to people for their ignorance and ego are everywhere.

Graduation Time Is Here : Class Size Matters?

My class in high school was really small but I don't remember having any fun in the back seat while my friends were learning to drive. We for the most part were scared to death! 

Power Projection At The G7 : Biden Says, ''What Time Is It? When's Lunch?''

 ''Don't sell lunch short, I really like lunch as it's something I can concentrate on without falling to sleep!

''Who are all these people and where did they come from?
Wait a minute, when did I get here? Was this on the schedule?
By the way I have to pee!''

Hey, come on man, I like lunch because then
I get to take a nap and all those people telling
me what to say and do will leave me alone''!

Climate Change by The Numbers : Can Money Buy Science? How About Al Gore???

 Why not? It moves everything else into the sewer where the ''bought'' science is used to fabricate even the most outrageous things as data based science to steal other people money, especially the failed precepts of climate change.

That man kind can or could change the weather is the ravings of lunatics and yet million believe as science ''experts'' get richer and richer and the fools that follow them poorer!

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Car Jacking is A scourge On Society! : Is This Real?(Video)

 Is this ''shopped''? This seems maybe over the top as a way to stop a car jacking, but then maybe it sends a signal to others that maybe they should look for other employment!

Are You Depressed, Need Psychiatric Help? : You're In Luck!

 Look no further then a wet tongue, accepting eyes and soft fur coat to make it all go away!

Biden Challenges Citizens To A Fight : He Has Jet Fighters and Nukes! The ''Horned'' Invasion'!

 It's called the ''Horned Invasion''!!Are you scared yet!? Please explain how this man became the leader of the free world? It isn't possible that there that many people in this great country that didn't know Joe Biden was a progressive socialist liberal democraaat, right?  RIGHT?

The only logical reason he is president is the progressive democraaats cheated and cheated on such a grand scale most people were left stunned, and worse, the legal community knew it but decided to do nothing out of fear for their job and personal safety and that of their families.

Just so you know, the January 6th walk thru at
the capital is now called the "Horned Invasion''
that sent members of congress running in fear!

Hey Joe, now we have some goods ones as well! LET'S DO IT!
Bring it on!!

Did The Chinese Virus Escape? : Trump Thought So In January 2020!! Conspiracy Theory - Lies All Lies!

 Little wonder the democraaats hated Trump. He understood the problem before it became a disaster which was designed by the democraaats to make sure it did became a disaster. The Fau Ci knew what happened at Wuhan and knew it was just another flu virus but much less dangerous. So let it go like the last time back in 2014 where the CDC and the NIH did nothing at all for more then 6 months and even then they didn't care all that much.

Masks Just Part of The New Virus Fraud : The Fau Ci's Is Back! Mutants Rampaging!

 The Great Deceptor, The Legendary master of deception from decades of training and accomplishments, more then 40 years of government control, hailed from far and near as bigger the life itself, The Fau Ci directs the nation, and the known world, to bring his over whelming knowledge and experience to this terrible monster that has devoured so many citizens here and those around the world with it's invisible and frightening grip!  

To calm the population as they shook with fear, The Fau Ci spoke again and millions waited for his words, holding their collective breaths, listened with rapted attention as he explained how the monster has returned and is even more sinister and vicious.

But don't despair The Fau Ci says, ''trust me, I know what to do as before, it true it's about to take many more good citizens now that it has returned to the killing fields, and believe me, no one is safe. To make it throgh this again, we must all obey my good judgement again and knowledge as before or all is lost, again!, Some new demands on our life will be needed to save us this time. Maybe masks and social distancing won't be enough this time around. Maybe will need new ways to stay safe.''

The Fau Ci admits the masks are worthless but they serve a 
symbolic purpose separating people from each
other increases their fear of having to ever having to
confront someone with a smile. If living in fear of or 
neighbors then that's okay if we can defeat the virus that's 
running rampant!

Fau Ci says this will only be temporary. We
will have to obey orders until
we flatten the curve of this monster. Like last time!

The Agenda of Progressive democraaats : America Is No Long Necessary! We Have The Chinese and democraaats!

 Biden is in love with the Chinese who have shown t heir love for him and his family by rewarding them with gifts to cement that relationship and a job well done!

And even better, now many of our good citizens who voted for Biden won't have to read Trumps nasty tweets! Gotta feel good about that!

And now as Biden brings us his agenda and ideology to our country, those same citizens, and the rest of us who knew better then to vote for a Marxist democraaat will have to suffer the consequences as well, living on our knees doing the bidding of others that are smarter then we are. 

But cheer up, the democraaats say once you get use to living without freedom, it's not so bad!

But, not to worry Biden and his family are rich and his 
friends say keep up the good work and we will make you
even richer!

Wonder Why Biden Didn't Debate Putin? : Wonder No Longer! Yikes!!

 What a mess we're in given our president is lost in another world made up of basements and Dairy Queens! Real leadership brought to us by the democraaat voters and their criminal friends!

Biden believes after 50 years of living the good life without
any responsibilities to anything or anyone, he deserves better!

Friday, June 25, 2021

Who Voted For Corruption? : 'Not Victims But Accomplices!!' George Orwell!

 And then someone asked, 'How did all of these progressive socialist Marxists get into office, committing atrocities all across the nation? Who voted for them and what do they think now about their vote as the nation slides into an abyss of corruption and destruction?

Probably the scariest thing of all is the Marxist democraaats have no idea they are strangling our country to death!

School Board Gets Schooled In First Amendment Rights! : Has The Tide Turned?(Video)

And this is what push-back looks like! I appears that there is a wave of citizens awakening to the criminals in out government, local, state and federal!

How To Romance Your Wife! : The Husband is Easier! Food Is Optional! (Video)

Okay here is some profound intelligence that we all can use to better our lives! Live it to make it work! 

Ya gotta love this!

Kamala Harris Is An Empty Suit : Transparent - Without Substance!

 Now it appears Kamala is headed for the border because Donald Trump is going there so she has to beat him to the news punch!

The woman is a walking nightmare for our country!

Biden Stands For Long Life : But Maybe He's Standing Too Long in One Place!

 Who's who? The only way to identify Ol' Joe is the aviators. The press love Joe's aviators. He looks so cool!  What a mess!

Joe Biden Is A Puppet Dancing To A Tune : When Will The Music Stop?

 When will the time come for the media and the progressive socialist liberal Marxist democraaats decide to allow Joe Biden to assume room temperature? He's close now as he mumbles and stubbles everywhere he goes making our country the laughing stock.

Our enemies see us as on the first leg of internal collapse. What a good time to attack when the enemy is the weakest.

But why is this happening to us? Who are these people, really? The can't be Americans if they want to destory the country. They have to have come from some place else where chaos and hate are part of their living standard, right?

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Hunting Licenses Represents An Army : Biggest In The World!?

This should give some thought to the idea of stopping crimes by confiscating guns from people that don't commit crimes. What's wrong with this idea for Joe Biden and the progressive socialist liberal democraaats?

I wonder if there will be any push back against the progressive socialists, the communist making their move for control advocating confiscation of guns? Probably F-15 fighter jets and nuclear weapons might employ against American Citizens if people rise up against his government effort to take ultimate control of the population?

Hmmmm - Joe Biden makes his move to make sure no one has a right to defend themselves from government overreach.

What Price We Pay for Education Is Too Much? : How Much Does Ignorance Cost Us?

As our cities burn to the ground,  the majority of citizens stand by stunted not having every seen such destruction in their entire lives or in our history as a nation. It's unpresented where our own people want to destory what has given us all everything we every wanted or needed, or freedom to chose and the liberty o make it happen. People living the good life forget how they got here.

The saying that covers our situation today is, ''When confronted with insurgencies, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are often paralyzed by it!''

And yet the question is why do so many believe America's freedom and liberty must be the problem and therefore be destroyed? In reality it's the result of a poor or no education. Our enemies understand stupid people are easily led!

Stupid is what stupid does! We all lose everything we hold dear! The cost to us as a nation for ignorance is uncalculatable!

As we see our country being destroyed we have to understand
why it's happening!

The G7 Then And Now : Trump Was In Control!

 ''America First'' was the game on town town from President Donald Trump and the rest of the world understood how it works! The other nations had to take responsibility for their own nations as directed by the NATO charter. The Charter stipulates each nation contributes 2% of their GDP to military defense.

Now of couse with a mentally ill child leading America, it's back to normal, America loses!

With Biden in charge, it's back to the old game
of America being the whipping boy!

Who's Fooled and Who Isn't? : The Population Sees The Truth!

 But does it really matter what the civil society thinks if they never take a stand against the absurdity presented by blatant ignorance and self promotion that our current crop of politicians are forcing down our collective throats.

Whatz next? When will the push back start? Is it the citizens at school board meetings where they are arrested for taking a stand against the diabolical ideology demanded by progressive democrats in ''critical race theory''? I hope so!

The average citizen knows a fraud when they see it but don't think it 
effects them by their destructive failure in leadership!

What Does A Museum Have of Interest? : Air and Space Museum!

 This is cool! We are subjected to political word games on an minute by minute basis everywhere we go, so when something like this turns up to take some of the pressure off, we can respond with a smile instead of having to turning our attention elsewhere to avoid the ill feelings.

This is fun and amusing.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Never Forget! : The Twine Towers Attacked By Our Enemies!

Who knew? We have enemies? Really? Look now further then any major city in the country and look at all of the burned and boarded up buildings and then say who is the enemy!! Are they foreign, sure but the real enemy is domestic terror groups like our universities, Hollywood and most or our own government officials working tirelessly to destory America!

The Muslims attacked the Twine Towers but they were cheered on by progressive socialist Marxist liberal democraaats~!~!

An Amazing Talented Bird? : How Can A Bird do this? (Video)

 I believe this is possible but in the this new era of photo technology I still have some reservations. But I I've seen some birds do fantastic things over the years even before ''photoshopping'' came on the scene.

This is amazing!

Still More Towing Fun : Why Apply The Brake?(Video)

How can this be? Still, who would think about applying the brake? Or is this just a video to have some fun?


More Towing Fun : This is for real?(Video)

 No one will believe a tow truck driver would chance it on a road like this! Can this be fake? Yikes!

Towing Is An Art : Some Are Not Up sto t he task! (Video)

 How can this happen? Can this be real? The tow truck driver just doesn't care the damage they are doing along the side street?

What Are The Chances of Filming This? : But Here It Is!(Video)

What is the world? Being at the wrong place at the right time is amazing. But the question that remains is why would someone be filming just driving down the road. Do people have a camera going the entire time their car is in motion? 

Then They Said No Flying Of American Flag! : Response? Up Yours!!

This is what ''push back'' looks like! And By the Grace of God, it looks like push-back is happening all across the country. The people are beginning to understand who the ''enemy of the people'' is and they are fighting back!!


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Rich Little Does Joe Biden : ''Come On Man, I'm Not Mentally . . . You Know The Thing!''(Video)

 Rich Little shows off his skills of understanding Joe Biden and what his mental shortcomings are!

Be Careful For What You Wish For! : Couple Celebrating Married 40 Years Get Lucky?

Any of us have the good fortune to be married for 40 years to the same partner is luck enough without having some entity interfere to make things worse by bringing a promise of free stuff!! (Remember, nothing is free, ever!! But for peace of mind and a long well lived life with a great partner, never, ever vote democraaat! Fairies are democraaats promising free stuff!)


40 years of marriage ………..A married couple in their early 60s was celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in a quiet and romantic little restaurant. Suddenly a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table.

She said. “For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant your each a wish.” The wife answered, “Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband.” The fairy waved her magic wand and – poof! – two tickets for the Queen Mary 2 appeared in her hands. 

The husband thought for a moment: “Well, this is all very romantic, but an opportunity like this will never come again. I’m sorry my love, but my wish is to have a wife 30 years younger than me.” The wife, and the fairy were deeply disappointed, but a wish is a wish. So the fairy waved her magic wand and poof! The husband became 92 years old.

The moral of this story: men who are ungrateful bastards should remember fairies are female!

Calvin Is Puzzled! : Lockdown to Save Even One Life is Enough?

 Just a thought given all of the deaths caused by the The Master Deceptor,  Fau Ci and his friends in the media and democraaat government agencies, maybe he should be held to explain his ideas and exactly how the lock-downs were suppose to work!

Is seems progressive Marxist democraaats always have ideas on how things ''should'' work but history shows they never do! The results are just more pain and suffering. Always! The democraaats just feel it was the right thing to do!

(Vote democraaat to feel good about yourself!)

I wonder what Fau Ci has to say about all the 
children that have committed suicide because of
his personal policies on masks and lock- downs?

Ol' Joe Biden, Ice Cream and Little Girls : Whatz With The This Fascination?

 If there is anything that Ol' Joe likes better the ice cream it's his hands on little girls and women. But hey, noting to see here. It's like the whole Biden family taking bribes from the Chinese for decades, it's just temporary to satisfy a need and then it will pass.(Yeah we know it's been going on for more the 50 years, sniffing and stealing, but come on man, he's a democraaat! It's just Ol' Joe!)

''What's with Joe and little girls? Hey Anglia Merkel, has he given
you any ice cream?''

Nothing to see here, it's just old Joe's style of hands on and
''nose'' close to business!!

The Royal Family Enjoys A Good Laugh : Biden A Laughing Stock?

 It seems the world is having a good time laughing at Ol' Joe Biden as he stumbles and mumbles is way around the world stage acting like he is aware of the stain in his pants but truly has no clue why they are laughing!

His handlers keep telling him everything is okay, don't pay any attention to those that say he is mentally handicapped, unable to tell the difference between what happened a few minutes ago let alone what happened last year!

America weeps!

The world finds Biden a laughing stock. But not to worry, once
the progressive socialists are done with him they will send him
back to his basement where he came from! He's just a tool just
like all of the people that voted for him and those that stole and
manufactured votes for him!

Monday, June 21, 2021

The Chinese World Wide Pandemic Is a Fraud : The Biggest in History!!

 Was it really a pandemic or just another flu season? The question that remains is how many people die every year from the flu? What is the real number of deaths from the Wuhan Chinese Flu? How many actually died from the Wuhan and not a hundred other causes but listed as the Wuhan? 

Understand, more then 150 people die every day in New York City of 20 million people. Follow the money and the politics is a good thing as there was a lot of money coming from Washington for deaths and even more for hospitalization cases.

The leaders of all countries understand the politics and who is in charge!

Joe Biden Bullied by A Bully : Biden And America Shammed By Putin!

 Even sadder is Joe Biden is not really out president. Joe Biden is just Joe Biden! Joe is just being what he has always been over his 50 years in government. He is a ''no where man''. An empty vessel.

 Nothing has changed. What you see is what you get! Nothing more.(Always vote democraaat!)

Biden Got Nowhere With Vladimir Putin

By Douglas Andrews 


But the American president did take time to bully a reporter for asking a decent question.

“Where the hell … what do you do all the time?”

That was Joe Biden’s bizarre response to a decent question about Russian President Vladimir Putin from CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, who asked him as he walked away from his post-summit press conference, “Why are you so confident he’ll change his behavior, Mr. President?”

After berating Collins from afar, Biden approached her and wagged his finger. Collins then calmly elaborated, noting that Putin had denied his country’s clear involvement in recent cyberattacks against U.S. companies, downplayed Russia’s human rights abuses, and refused to even mention the name of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny. “So,” Collins asked, “how does that account to a constructive meeting?”

To which Biden sneered before walking away, “If you don’t understand that, you’re in the wrong business.”

That didn’t sit too well with Collins’s colleagues, one of whom, New York Magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi, quipped, “If you’re the most powerful person in the world and you can’t field questions from the media without losing your temper, maybe you’re in the wrong business.”

We agree. It was a sorry scene for a man who, when he’s not getting deferential coverage from the media, is cowering from it altogether. Now we know why: He can’t answer tough questions, and he can’t control his temper. Indeed, as the Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy noted, “Biden flips out almost every time he is asked an even vaguely pointed question — true during the campaign and true as president.”

Biden opened his post-summit presser with some introductory remarks, during which he tried to talk about the God-given rights of the American people. But he blew it: “We don’t derive our rights from the government,” he correctly began. “We possess them because we’re born. Period. And we yield them to a government.”

Huh? We “yield” our rights “to a government”? What’s the purpose of a written constitution or a bill of rights if the people whose rights they purport to protect must ultimately surrender them to their government?

Sadly, the president needs a civics lesson.

“Another area we spent a great deal of time on was cyber and cybersecurity,” Biden continued. “I talked about the proposition that certain critical infrastructure should be off-limits to attack. Period. By cyber or any other means. I gave them a list, if I’m not mistaken — I don’t have it in front of me — 16 specific entities; 16 defined as critical infrastructure under U.S. policy, from the energy sector to our water systems.”

Ooooh. He gave them a list. Of 16. Here again, the president needs a lesson — this time in national sovereignty.

What about all the other entities? Open season on them? Conservative commentator Noah Pollak called it “one of the most pathetic moments in American diplomatic history.”

National Review’s David Harsanyi one-upped him: “Biggest loser today: the 17th most critical infrastructure entity in America.”

Finally, mercifully, at the conclusion of his opening remarks, Biden let the assembled media know it was a rigged game: “I’ll take your questions and, as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I’m gonna call on.”

“As usual, folks,” our intrepid president only takes questions from those his handlers have pre-approved.

Biden then fielded questions for a brief 22 minutes before skedaddling, but his Russian counterpart seemed disinclined to run from the media. As Fox News media critic Joe Concha put it, “Putin presser approaching one hour with no signs of stopping. This is what Putin sees as show of confidence and endurance in what appears to be an effort to make Biden look weak/small when he ends up taking relatively few questions from handpicked reporters before exiting.”

A strong case can be made that Joe Biden lost his showdown with Vladimir Putin before it even began. How? By showing his willingness to appease the Russians beforehand.

Rebekah Koffler, former Defense Intelligence Agency Russia analyst and author of a forthcoming book on Putin, told Fox News that Biden extending the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty II (START II) and eliminating Nord Stream 2 [pipeline] sanctions before the summit left him without anything to negotiate on. “I think our president is in the losing position and Putin is in the winning position, and that was even before the summit,” she said. Biden “pretty much has given out the store to the Russians,” she explained, so “he had no negotiating leverage.”

Indeed, Biden has already helped enable Putin’s geopolitical power grab by removing those pipeline sanctions, which will make Germany and other Western European nations dependent on Russian natural gas and thereby vulnerable to Russian coercion. Biden, of course, canceled our nation’s own energy pipeline, Keystone XL, eliminating 1,000 union jobs and wrecking countless lives and businesses in the process. And his Nord Stream about-face came just two weeks after a Russian criminal cyber gang disrupted America’s energy supply with a ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline.

If you’re thinking, Whiskey Tango, Joe, you’re not alone.

On the tarmac just before boarding Air Force One, Biden briefly apologized to CNN’s Collins and tried to put a rosy spin on his European trip, but that’s only because his handlers told him to. And he tried to talk a good globalist game, once again deriding Donald Trump’s “America First” approach and reminding our allies about how “America is back.”

But are we really back? Nope. Not if one considers this week’s pathetic performance by the American president.

What Happens When The Wind Doesn't Blow? : No Electricity? Good Idea!?

 Interesting how things come full circle when you least expect it and the results are nothing like you thought they might be under these conditions. Actually, no one gave it a second thought when deciding to spend the money so foolishly.

But I wonder is anyone will give voice to the notion that maybe being ''Woke'' is not a good idea. Common sense always seemed to work well in the past!

MSE Creative Consulting Blog.

TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2021

Literally Zero Wind Power in Texas Today

Following up on yesterday's ERCOT posting, the above graph is stunning. There is virtually no wind power being generated in Texas at this time. Thousands of wind turbines -- installed at a cost of tens of billions of dollars -- doing absolutely nothing.

And it is worse than the graph indicates. The top of this graph is 9,500 megawatts. The total wind capacity in Texas is 30,000+ megawatts!

Had the money been spent on nuclear plants, Texas would have plenty of electricity on hot days (wind energy fails when it is extremely hot and extremely cold -- when it is needed the most).

Wind energy is an expensive joke imposed on the ratepayers of Texas, Kansas and many other states that is doing nothing to decarbonize energy.

Warren Buffett, hardly a political conservative, has said the only reason to install wind mills is for the tax subsidy. It is past time for Congress to end these ridiculous subsidies and for states to impose a moratorium on wind energy installations.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Gun Violence? : In Reality? Political Hate For Humanity Itself!!

Look no further then the politics of progressive Marxist socialism being forced on us by the democraaats who seek the total power for control of all outcomes. 

And they know they have to disarm the population by any means necessary if they have any hope to ultimate power is to subdue everyone making the people subjects. 

What better way to do this then what the progressive liberal democraaats know best, deceive and lie about guns and the monsters that use them take civil societies freedoms and liberties.

Kamala At The Southern Border? : No! Because She Doesn't Know Where It Is!

 This is as close as she will ever come to our southern border. She knows there are no answers for what the progressive Marxist democraaats have done there, and then to have to face the cameras and laugh until she pees her pants is not good PR!

But always remember to vote democraaat. There sill time to act, some of the country hasn't been totally destory yet!

It's a photo op but for her this is good enough! This woman
needs some direction, where is Willy Brown when we need him?

Climate Change Is Real : ''See, The Sun Does Come Up In The East But Not for Long!!''

 Stupid is that stupid does and the more money we can get from the fool taxpayers the better! 

Joe Biden Loves Basements : G7! ''Bingo! I Win!!''

 Church basements are famous for bingo games and that's why Biden finds them most satisfying to attend. That the G7 wasn't a bingo game per say, it seems he found it very similar as he wander around look for the bathroom or a seat close to the where can see the balls drop.

Life is good! Always vote democraaat!

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Star Ship Enterprise Isn't Exempt from Robo Calls!? : The Captain Is Pissed!!


''Tell them if I find out who they are, I'll personally come to their
house and beam them to a planet where nothing grows
except kale!

Finally Damnit!! : The Truth Has Been Told!!!

 This is probably the most important discussion we are having in our civil society!!!