Monday, September 02, 2019

Creating More Problems to Solve A Problems : Legalizing Pot! It Just Feels Right!

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When insanity is found to be easier to cope with then sanity.
The question that remains is why so many among us do not possess any common sense or a natural ability to form logical questions to try and understand the system called 'civil society' and it's problems.

Does it seem as time passes the number of disconnected people from reality is on the rise?

Who exactly are the those on the national stage, candidates vying for the presidency of the United States and what exactly are the proposing?

Or are there more people now becoming aware of the insanity that has effected so many apparent good citizens in our country that claim just to want to feel good about everything?

Certainty a life style of feeling good about doing stupid things is not conducive to good outcomes.

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