Friday, September 20, 2019

Washington's Elites : Duty Bound To Lead?

And explain to me just who is better suited to represent the people who do the work? Those that believe the little people must accommodate the life style of the smarter and better equipped to lead the unwashed or someone that is actually like those down in the trenches of life?

The elites among us believe they are duty bound to take what ever they want from those of us that must work hard to survive. And when someone that comes along exposing just how corrupt the elites are, they are hated and demand their removal before the general population can see the stark difference and cast the elites into the garbage bin of history.

It's extremely important to remember our recent history where the intent of the government elites was to drive the country into a second or third class living status if not default.

Why would anyone actually vote to make this happen again?

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