Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Amazing! : How Does This Work For Everyone??!!

Who knew?  Amazingly this appears to be correct.  Yikes!

All the people in the world are of the same "age" this year! How can that be?

It is amazing! Consider: this year all the people in the world are in the same age group, all equal to 2019.

This year is special - it happens only once every 1,000 years. This year for each individual: your age, plus your year of birth is equal to 2019! Think of that.

For example, if you are 55 years of age and your birth year is 1964, adding the two figures together equals 2019.

No one can explain why this is the case. So, calculate and see if your answer is also equal to 2019.

Remember, you will need to wait another 1,000 years until you can do this again!

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