Monday, September 23, 2019

Progressive Liberal democrats Wonder What's Next? : Run Or Hide?

This will be front and center from now on until November of 2020! If it's not Beto, it's AOC or some other questionable mental incompetent that demands recognition for being in charge of the attack on civil society!!

And why is it that nearly all of the crazy people on national television are progressive liberal democrats? What they say makes no sense. The civil society is reeling trying to understand why so many have come off the rails of common sense.

What the progressive liberal democrats have done in the past to try and make our country better has if fact been to make it worse and it's not by accident. The democrats want to make living the good life a thing of the past. The liberal democrats want and need the population to be subservient to the deception that an all powerful government can be all things for all people.

Little wonder the old democrat party is now the ''progressive socialist liberal collective'' as those that associate with the collective are all of one mind set, mentally challenged and depleted of common sense and acceptable logic.

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