Monday, September 23, 2019

Where's Ol Joe? : He's Back, Rested and Pissed! (Hmmm - Smells Good!)

The question was ''where is ol' Joe?'' at the 'confab' of special people and then bang! (Schiff askes did someone leave the door unlocked, again?) 

Nadler say ''finally we now have some direction we can believe in''. Hillary screams, 'Oh no, I thought we got ride of that moron! I'll have to take to Billy about a new solution.'

Maxine thinks to her self, 'Just what we needed, more hands-on in the nightmare''.

Tom says, ''Let's get down to business here now that we have some real fire power to back us up!''

The disciple from the street screams, ''Stop already with the nonsense!!. Let's go out into the street and burn some buildings, destroy our wicked society of individual freedom, that will help us focus!''

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