Sunday, July 07, 2019

Nike Is A Corporate Disciple of Capitulation.: A Moraless Stooge for Socialists democrats

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The population is beginning to approach a turning point. We are mad
as hell and tied of being pushed around by people that say they hatCae us.
It seems the progressive socialist liberal democrats are setting the tone and narrative for the country, even large corporations and nearly all universities and school systems are coming on board.

An ideology of hate ande destruction for America and her people. The leadership of the liberal democrats hate the founding of this country?

Pretty soon the only ones not participating in Barrrack's religious jihad for ''fundamental change'' of civil society is the people themselves.

We aren't buying it!

How can this be? It's the people that make the country run. It's the people that have made the most important decision ever to make America free and prosperous. They elected Donald Trump to save the country from being over run by criminals.

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