Monday, July 22, 2019

Hollywood Actors Proclaim Truth : The Script Doesn't lie!

I've heard of the 'Four Horseman of the Acropolis', pestilence, war, famine and death. But here we have four mentally ill jerkweeds from Hollywood that think they actually will make a differences doing a dynamic reading from the Mueller Report.

They mighty believe they are like the Four Horseman, bringing down all opposition to their agenda and ideology of destruction and chaos for civil society, but it's likely they are just as they seem, ignorant and delusional.  Just actors!

What's this all about? Is this all that is left for these simpletons, reading from a report that took two years to produce and that declared Donald Trump is innocent of all the lies brought against him by left wing socialist bigots? 

Hey, these toads are actors for goodness sakes, not real people. They have lived their entire lives in ''make-believe'' world thought up by someone else and then written down in a script for these clowns to read and act out! Is this rocket science?

These disciples of ignorance are acting out! Where's the realtiy? The mentally ill don't have a reality except what their diseased brains ramdemly eject as waste material for these four to present as logical thought processes.

Actors playing a part, reading from a script written by a moron.

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