Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Muller Report Testimony Failure : deja Vu All Over Again!

Confession is good for the soul. 

'And then it seemed the walls started to close in and the exit signs went out, we had to sit there, with the entire world watching while our claim of ''High Crimes and Misdemeanors'' against President Trump evaporated, we had to admit that our present attack to destory him was not working.

'It was so painful and gut-wrenching experience to understand, inwardly, we have failed. Again, even with nearly the entire media on a daily basis, viciously attacking the President with half truths and out right lies, we failed to destory him. We even had many republicans that were on board to help destory him.

'We are now admittedly just democrats without a cause. Our failure was all to obvious and little more then a joke for Republicans to use it against us in the next election. 

'Worse, the general public is beginning to understand we have nothing, no issues of any substance for them or even some good lies to put forth as issues that will help them in their daily lives, working hard and prospering without our help.

'How is it possible that Trump wins again! Are we just losers?' 

So strange and yet so real!

The Mueller report failure seemed like this all happened before. The scariest 
part is what will happen next?

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