Thursday, July 18, 2019

The President Explains The ''Gruesome Foursome'' : The Hertiage Foundation Says It's Racist!!!

The President understands pride and love of country 
and what it stands for.
I am truly saddened that such a person like Ms. James could decide that the President was no better then those from or dim past and some from today, are indeed racists.

She make no distinction about the intent of the President when he tells those that hate our country and us, to 'go back to a  place where you came from, after you make it better, then come back then tell us how to make this country a better place to live'. 

Ms. James, where have you been living all these years? Is there no new America or just reliving the old America? Are you just another victim of America's past sins, Ms. James?!

She doesn't come right out and say it but she infers the President is using the same rhetoric that those that hate for same reasons in the past, attacking a persons color of skin, to describe what the progressive socialist liberals are saying about our country. A unbridled hate for our country, it's founding as an event beyond all others in history.

I am seriously confused and extremely disillusioned by the comments here from what should considered to be a very good Conservative. A person that believes our founding is about a pride in country that has given us everything and that so many have given their last full measure to insure we all enjoy the good life of living and prospering in America, the freest country in the world.

The entire world is a better place because of our founding and what we as a nation have done to make it a better place. And yet, coming from these ''gruesome foursome'' self proclaimed people of color, we all are to blame for everything that is wrong in this country and the world. We are all raciest!

And yet, it does come down to this, it's not just that these ''Gruesome Foursome'' people on a daily basis rail against this country and against me because I love this country and believe she must be preserved at all cost!!!!

Americans Are the Real Casualties of the Trump-‘Squad’ Showdown

Kay Coles James / @KayColesJames / July 16, 2019

Many Americans probably have no idea of the long history of the “go back to your country” taunt and how it was used to denigrate ethnic minorities. If they did, they would better understand the visceral reaction to it.

To understand what is unfolding, one must understand the history of this awful saying. One must also understand that we, as ethnic minorities, consider ourselves to be co-equal citizens in this fantastic country we call America. In other words, there is no place to go back to. This is my country—the one that I love.

When President Donald Trump said four members of Congress should “go back” to the “places from which they came,” he was wrong, and he shouldn’t have said it.

His words conjured up unpleasant memories for so many black people like me and immigrants alike who have been targets of the “go back to your country” taunt throughout their lives. His words hurt people beyond the congresswomen he intended to condemn.

I won’t offer an excuse for his ill-worded tweets, but simply some perspective as someone who has met with the president and whose organization works with his administration daily.

The president loves this country, believes in the goodness of this country, and defends this country when others attack it. His tweets and follow-on comments were unacceptable, but let’s also be honest enough to recognize the destructive and divisive nature of the rhetoric of the members of Congress in question.

I can understand why Americans are tired of the growing chorus of anti-American sentiment from “The Squad.” We all can certainly have honest disagreements with how the country is being run—that’s one of the wonderful features of the American system—but to regularly trash it, its people, and those who protect it is another thing entirely.

I have found their rhetoric to be hateful, destructive, and dangerous. I will continue to expose their hypocrisy. What I will not do is join them in their ad hominem attacks as we debate policy.

As a woman and as a black person who lived through segregation, I know from personal experience about some of our nation’s shortcomings.

Despite these challenges, America was founded on a set of principles that have allowed us to rectify our wrongs, and in the process, build a freer and more prosperous nation where anyone has the opportunity to succeed.

One thing this whole incident can provide is the opportunity for discussion, education, and some level of understanding among the races about where insults like this and others originated, how they have been historically used to taunt and jeer, and why they still cause pain today.

I don’t think the president meant to tap into that pain, but he did.

When faced with a situation like this, we always have the choice to try to understand each other better or to become more divided. In my life, I’ve always sought to push toward more understanding.

The resolution in the House condemning the president is just the opposite. The intent is clear: It’s simply more partisan politics that is meant to divide us rather than unite us.

Our political discourse must be better, and politicians on both sides must do better. One of the unique characteristics about America is our freedom to disagree and challenge each other, but civility is needed, or else it all breaks apart.

We have a responsibility to demonstrate to the rest of the world what it looks like to live in a pluralistic society. That responsibility is not only to ourselves and to the world, but to our children who will inherit this country and become its next generation of leaders.

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