Saturday, July 20, 2019

''The Gruesome Foursome'' : Tyranny by Another Name Is Still Tyranny!

Don't say it!! Don't even think it!! It would be treason against those that want what is best for Ameica. That they want to rule is a natural thing for people that believe they are destined to rule and make it known it will happen 'by any means necessary'.

The Jihad Squad is a hold over from Barrrack's religious jihad for ''transformation'' of our civil society that  he promised back in 2008.

But to describe these people is better understood if they were identified as ''The Gruesome Foursome''. They are about ''change'' and they mean business. Their motto is ''chaos and conflict for a better America''. What this actually means is power to the few and obedience by the many.

The agenda and ideology is not new but a 1000 years old. The difference is now it's being implemented by new plays but the goal is the same.

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