Sunday, July 07, 2019

Hillary In North Korea Crossing The DMZ? : An Unbelievablly Tragic Nightmare!

Just think how cool it would have looked if Hillary had beaten Trump In 2016. Something we could tell our grand kids about and weep! Unbelievable. Just think about all of the criminals that still would actively gutting out our justice and intelligence systems, the State Department in freefall and driving the country into an economic disaster.

No? Just look no further then California and what that great state has become under a one party rule. New York is coming on strong to be a cesspool of progressive socialist liberal democrats as well. And Oregon? Washington State? Colorado for goodness sakes!?

Progressive socialist liberal democrats have a proven track record of not being able to make decisions that actually benefit the country and it's people. They are self-serving and nothing more. And Hillary Clinton is one of the worst.

If this hard to believe then you have been living under a rock or just getting your information from the main stream media. A cornucopia of malicious delusion and deceit if not a diabolical willingness to use people's willingness and ignorance to believe what others say on television as the turth, as just tools to gain an advantage over others.

As history is our witness, do not vote for more democrats, ever. It is about our future and the survival of our nation.

Hillary representing our us to the world! God has to be 
watching out for our country!

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