Sunday, December 25, 2016

A New Year : A Big Smile For The future

This a little over the top given the season of loving one another and fellowship among men and all, but still when the message is pure and honest it brings a smile to our collective faces and that brings a special heart felt hope to those of us that have labored under such frustration and angry for our situations in our great country where the few have ruled the many without cause for the rule of law as set down in our Constitution.

Finally, now there is a coming together to reveal justice for all. Will the election last November save our country, only time will tell. And if those that elected our new leader will stay the course through the next election where we will have the opportunity to deny the few remaining progressive liberal democrats the opportunity to cause our county more harm as their predecessors have.

So in this season of renewal of spirit and hope that significant change is in the wind we should reveal in the coming of the new year's chances for rebirth of our freedom to chose.

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