Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ogbjma Bathroom Directive Has Other Objectives : What's Knew!

One has to wonder just how far Mr Ogbjma will go to make sure our way of life no longer exists and to what extent he finds our Constitution a problem that stands in his way for "fundamental transformation'' of our society.

That Mr Ogbjma would demand that there is no longer any need for the sexes to be separated for privacy concerns is beyond our ability to comprehend such demands from someone that is supposed to represent all of the people.

This video explains the deeper meaning of what Mr Ogbjma intends for all of us.

What Obama’s Bathroom Directive Really Does
Kelsey Harkness / /

On May 13, the Obama administration sent a letter to public schools on the topic of transgender students and where they use the restroom. But the directive, issued as “significant guidance,” didn’t just apply to the bathrooms. It also entered the space of locker rooms, showers, dorms, overnight hotels, and other places you might not expect. Watch the video to see The Daily Signal break down where exactly the Obama administration’s bathroom directive applies, and where it doesn’t.


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