Saturday, May 14, 2016

Mr Ogbjma's Jihad of Chaos & And Moral Corruption : Society Reeling

The question that remains, how much worse can the Ogbjma administration become, and the answer is there is no limit to how morally low, criminally corrupt he and the progressive socialist liberal democrats are and will be for another 6 months.

Are there any good reasons to vote for more progressive democrats?

The bathroom skam that is now threating to disrupt the most basic tenants of society are just more evidence of Mr Ogbjma's agenda and ideology for chaos and disruption in our country. With his promise for "fundamental transformation in America" back in 2008 before the election, he sought to change how 237 years of American exceptionalism, the founding of our country with our Constitution that made America dynamic and successful.

Mr Ogbjma has stated on many occasion he does not like how this country was founded, and that the Constitution, as written, does not work as it just says what government can't do to the people, not what government can do for the people.

Little remains to understand Mr Ogbjma's program, ideological jihad, to totally destroy the very foundations that made the country the envy of the world, to make way for his 'new world order' wave that is designed replace individual freedom with a religious demand for obedience to a central big brother, Orwellian 1984 style government control.

Simply stated, Mr Ogbjma demands everyone must comply with his new thinking or be destroyed, there can be no opposition. With his new edict on make all bathrooms and rocker rooms open to both sexes is to bring society to it's collective knees. He has no authority to do this but the general public reel in confusion trying to understand the insanity of how our leader is ready and willing to instigate moral chaos in our country to further his peraonal ideology.

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