Saturday, May 28, 2016

From Reagan to Ogbjma : Choosing Freedom or Obedience?

Tear Down this Stall copyIt was pointed out by many pundit Conservatives that Mr Ogbjma was madman when he first took the stage at the democratic party convention in 2004, but it didn't matter. Millions of voters wanted someone to tell them what to do next.

When the Republicans and Conservatives were in control, people had to make decision on their own to whether they succeeded or failed. For the most part it was the free market that ruled the day. This was way to difficult for many among us, and of course, unfair.

And what better person then a progressive black man that says he wants to ''fundamentally transform America''. This was a win win situation for everyone that wanted never be seen as a racist and that had to have someone in control of their lives. A vote for Mr Ogbjma was a vote for a new day, as new beginning for America. Mr Ogbjma was all things to all people.

Remember, Mr Ogbjma was 'the ''One'' we have been waiting for'. And even now that historical events have been proven the pundits correct, Mr Ogbjma is truly a madman, a domestic political terrorists, it still doesn't matter to those that are sitting in the front pew of the church of ideological progressive socialism. And if the truth be known, Mr Ogbjma has a world wide ideology of jihad that is far worse then just progressive socialism.

And wonders of wonders, the media poles show his popularity growing. Little wonder Bernie and Hillary's strategies are moving farther and farther left. It appears the American people are ready and willing to be subservient.

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