Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Hillary Stimulus Plan : The Clintion's Are Broke

liberal-logic-101-1818I think Hillary and Bill have a plan to become the riches people in the world by Hillary becoming president. It looks like they plan to attack all of the other rich people in this country by taxing them into subservience, Hillary said it's time to take the fat cat CEO's down by taxing them like everyone else. 

But in reality what this would do is allow Hillary and Bill to redirect some of the proceeds from the national treasury through proposed programs they will ram thought congress for the poor, or climate change or the disadvantaged, it doesn't matter which, that their surrogates, money bundlers, will be in control, all under the thumb of the Clintons.

Republicans will stop this? Please, they will fold like paper bags.  It's just what they do.

Remember Solyndra and 24 out of 26 programs from the department of energy approved for funding that have failed to deliver? Decades of effort when into taking control of as many these sources of revenue from government programs as they could. $billons will go into these programs and then entrenched bundlers will skim $millions back into democrat political coffers by making tax free political contributions. It's called money laundering. It's criminal but it works, for democrats only though.

Republicans would be watched very closely by the media to make sure they are honest.

In the end, $Billions will change hands just like with the first Stimulus package of Mr Obama's 'shovel ready jobs' nonsense. That was $852 billion of taxpayer monies without consequence. All lost in the process of 'helping those in need' or to 'save the planet', climate change.

Worst of all, the voters bought the entire scam twice, and they could be about to do it all over again.

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