Monday, August 17, 2015

Obama Says Electrical Rates to Skyrocket : EPA Says "Yes Sir" Will Do!

Power Plan copy
With EPA becoming the most dangerous and well funded domestic terrorist organization in this country, little wonder the EPA is deciding the energy we need to prosper is wrong, and therefore you will have to make changes in your life and that of your family members of accommodate Gina McCarty's and Mr Obama's ideology that states fossil energy is bad for the environment.

That 40% of all our energy is brought to us by coal and the demand for this energy grows by more then 8% every year is of no concern to the EPA.

And the fact that coal doesn't have any significant effect on the environment, and for the most part never has for decades, and that CO2, a green house gas decided alone by EPA as harmful with virtually no supporting evidence, is single handily driving our economy into a tailspin.

This unelected person, Gina McCarthy has taken on her self to decide what our country should look like and that our Constitution is of no use any longer. Mr Obama's appointment to the EPA was for a reason, she is a willing soldier doing the will bidding of the progressive socialist liberal democrats to "fundamentally change" America.

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