Tuesday, March 17, 2015

World Leader Governs by Newspaper Headlines : What? When?

This would be funny if it weren't so important to national security in that this is the leader of the free world and the most powerful country on earth.

The only thing we can conclude from this depiction of our leader, he is unqualified to lead and his ideology of building a new world order of progressive socialism will destroy any idea that personal freedom and ownership of property, being the bed rock of our society, will be a thing of the past.

This is not a joke or a thing for amusement, this is for real, this is happening now to all of us. Worse, it seems we can't doing anything to stop him, we are wringing our collective hands worrying how anything we say will turn the progressive socialist democrat media against anyone that stands for the country and it founding principles.

That the media will always have righteous indignation for anyone, no matter what they say concerning your personal freedom to chose one's own destiny, is set in stone but lost in the fear of being attacked by that media for taking a principled stand.

Not scared yet? If not then we are doomed to third world status that is just as close as the next election.

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