Monday, March 30, 2015

Nixon Lied on Breakins : Hillary & Obama lied About Homicide


Let's see, Nixon tried to cover up a break-in at the democrat head quarters for political reasons and was impeached for it. He was run out of office.

Hillary knew 'real time' what was happening in Benghazi where four Americans were murdered, including our ambassador, but ignored it and then lied about it for political reasons.

Hillary was and is responsibility for everything that happened at our embassies when she was Secretary of State, much like anyone that has command of any organization. What happened in Benghazi can be seen as negligent homicide when she and Mr Obama ignored the calls that came for help when they were under attack.

Remember Ted Kennedy and his girl friend Mary Jo Kopechne and the bridge in Chappaquiddick? This to was negligent homicide but was seen as just an accident. But guess what happens if you run a stop sign and kill someone, especially if you are under the influence of a foreign substance that alters judgment? You go to jail for many years.

But happened with good old Ted, the drunk and womanizer? He skates. Is this lost on anyone as to why Hillary will skate for the Benghazi murders, and her email server that is now been wiped clean? Or for that matter, how she skated on all of the other criminal acts she has committed over the years. And Bill, Bubba, was impeached but he didn't care, and neither did most everyone else. dah!

There are both progressive democrats. If you're a Republican or Conservative, well that's a completely different story all together. After all, there are certain moral standards that have to met I mean lying about 18 minutes of tape as against negligent homicide. "What difference does it make anyway".

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